Saturday 9 October 2021


Salam satu dunia!

Imagine.... going to a place where you can immerse yourself into the wonders of the Universe. Imagine you are in a place where you can experience a healthy and healing state of awe as you submit your gaze to a beautiful night sky. Imagine cleansing your eyes, your mind and your heart with a calming view of  stars sparkling like diamonds on the sky. Imagine gazing at the moon, Saturn, Jupiter and its many moons, and if you are lucky, the majestic Milky Way galaxy, while contemplating your place within the vast cosmic dance of light . Imagine absorbing yourself into cosmic events that unfold in the sky, whilst acknowledging that you are witnessing signs of Greatness and Infinite Wisdom. While you are doing this, you can hear the cicadas singing in the neigbouring jungle at night. Or you may want to gaze at the sun in the morning and afternoon, while enjoying a variety of birds' symphonies, echoing from the trees. Imagine feeling so blessed, calm and peaceful, as if you were embraced by the loving and compassionate Mother earth. Imagine experiencing all these wonders of artscience at KOSMOS@MGTF.USM

Join us in imagining and manifesting a new era of inter-connected beingness at the Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 

Peace BE upon all



Mgtf Usm

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