Saturday, 1 June 2013


Hasnul J Saidon
May 2013

Safe – Provocative
Example : 
Raja Shahriman Raja Azidin Gerak Tempur, 1996

Aesthetic - Socio-politic
Examples :
Nadiah Bamadhaj
1965: Rebuilding its Monuments, 2001
Liew Kungyu
Wadah untuk Pemimpin, 2001
Nur Hanim Khairuddin
Apa?Siapa?Kenapa?, 1998
Wong Hoy Cheong
Tapestry of Justice, 1998

Formalism - Parody, irony, pastiche, hybrid, appropriation
Example :
Hasnul J Saidon
HYPErview, 1997

Modern - Post-modern
Esample :
Ismail Zain
Digital Collage, 1988

Homogeneity – Multiculturality
Examples :
Redza Piyadasa
Malaysian Series
Yee I-Lan
Through Rose-Colored Glasses, 2002

National - Regional & global
Examples : 
Bayu Utomo Radjikin
Bosnia, 1994
Masnoor Ramli
Bumi Manusia, 2007

Participations of Malaysian artists-curators-writers in international exhibitions, projects, residencies, biennales, triennales, publications
New regional contemporary art centers in Singapore, Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Bandung, Bali, Bangkok, Manila, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo, Kwangju, Beijing, Shanghai

International curators-writers and publications

Australian High Comm., British Council, Goethe Institut, Japan Foundation etc

36 Ideas From Asia – Contemporary South-East Asian Art, 2002-2003

ASEAN and Regional collaborations

Exclusive - Inclusive / participative
Community-based projects
Online-based projects
Multi-arts projects and workshops

Mass media - Video, Electornic Arts & New Media
Status-quo - Deconstruction
Prescriptive  / Given / Pre-determined - Choice
Nation-state - Trans-national
Independence - Inter-dependence
Centralized - Multi-centers
Single discipline/Single media - Trans-disciplines/Cross-media
Linear - Non-linear
Form - Information
Fixed / frozen - Change / flux
Content - Context
Singular meaning - Multiple meanings
Product - Time
Master narrative - Discourses and multiple (and small narratives)
Mass - Customization
Artist-centered - Audience-centered
Review of end product/Summative - Review of process/Formative
Linear - Nonlinear
Sequential - Cyclical
Single direction - Simultaneous,concurrent,multidirectional
Isolated specialist - Multi-skilled generalist
Hierarchy - Network of relation – spider web
Hand/physical skill - Brain/thinking/cognitive skill
Goods, product-centered - Services, audience or user-centered
Global competition - Global collaboration
Dominance - Synergy
Passive audience - Prosumer / interactive audience
Physical attributes - Intellectual Attributes
Specialization – Convergence

Examples :
Malaysian Video Awards, since 1994
Xplorasi, 1997
HYPErview, 1997
1st Electronic Art Show,1997
E-Art Asean Online, 2000
Upload-Download, 2003
Off The Egde
Gallery Without Wall,
Blogs & Web-forum such as kakiseni 
Niranjan Rajah The Failure of Marchel Duchamp, 1997
Kamal Sabran, Sonic Cosmic, 2007
Interactive works by UNIMAS students in CIPTA 2000
Wong Hoy Cheong, Re:Looking, 2003
Ily Farhana, Believe it or Not, 2004
Safrizal Shahir, Imej Sebagai Teks, 2004
Ahmad Fuad Osman
An Eye For An Eye Will Make The Whole World Go Blind, 2003
Interactive works by UNIMAS students in CIPTA 2000

ABN-AMRO, HSBC, Philip Morris, Sony, Panasonic, Petronas, British Council, Australian High Comm., Japan Foundation and other international corporations

Collaborative and community-based projects by several alternative spaces and artists’ collectives 

The emergence of several alternative spaces and artists’ collectives

The enmergence of several young curators-writers and movers
Online-based projects

Artists using many different mediums and crossing many different areas (Matahati artists, Wong Hoy Cheong, Liew Kungyu, Hasnul J Saidon, Kamal Sabran, etc)

Alternative spaces and groups consisted of members coming from various disciplines such as graphic design, theatre, music, film and video, new 

Working system in a digital platform (digital image and video editing, chatting, blogging, online gallery & museum, online database etc)

Increased importance of research, publication and database/resource center 

Increased importance of information management and support including publicity, promotion, branding, marketing etc

Investment in value-creation & knowledge capital

Situational, ephemeral and performative art presented by several artists such as Susyilawati Sulaiman, Rahmat Haron, Ahmad Fuad Osman, Aisha 
Baharuddin, , Saiful Razman

Site-specific installation and performance such as

Susyilawati Sulaiman’s Siapa Saya? 2003 
Engaging the public or audience in the whole experience and creation of meanings
The inclusion of time element in installation, video art, sound art, ephemeral and situational art and web-based art

ALAMI – Sciece inspires Art, 2000

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