Friday, 13 May 2011


TC, u have set a very high and challenging bar for the future Masters students of the USM mixed-mode Masters of Visual Art & Design programme. The show at Galeri DuaPuluhTujuh is exactly the kind of 'research exhibition' that I had been wishing to appear more often in our higher institutions of learning. U have turned that wish into reality. I thank u for that.

You have given your heart and soul in curating 2 shows almost simultaneously. That is a tall order to complete. I could sense your drive, passion and love, which are sadly missing in many art exhibitions today. Of course in doing so, you may come out as annoying for some people, including me (except that I got to whack u by abusing my illusion of power). Well, nobody is perfect. 

Anyhow, I really wish (wish, again) that many more people (especially those who like to lament or babble about the lack of critical inquiries in the local art scene or practice, especially through their rantings, ramblings and writings)) could see the show (and its more finished version at the MGTF). 

I don't know the response from all the 'wali' at the School of the Arts USM. I hope they could be humble enough to shake your hand, give you a pat at the back, say congratulation (sincerely) and thank u a lot for doing USM (and them) a big favour. You deserve those. 

Please, and this is really important, please make sure that all your efforts (and your fellow Masters friends' works) are documented in the book that we planned. MGTF will be more than happy to help.

Meanwhile, do enjoy the fruits of your labour (intangible ones, not tangible). Tangible fruits of our labour (grades, assessments, prizes, purchases etc) are transient, elusive and most of the time, misleading. You know better than me about this. 

Focus on the intangible. Whatever positive frequencies that you have invested for your works during your Masters stint (in spirit, that is) will open, yield and attract likewise frequencies around you in the future. I am seeing a wonderful future ahead for u. You should do the same. 


  1. sir, i am shock and thankful reading the texts... and speechless. Thank you so much that you appreciated the effort we put on. apologizes for the mistakes that i have made. Thank you for giving so much opportunities, guidances and the publication support to archive the showcase, which is i hope to have. I would to say.. thank you very much to you sir, and MGTF.


  2. I haven't been checking my blog's reply for quite some time. I know it has been three years since your comment above, but anyway, u r welcomed. Its a bit sad that I was not able to see your recent showing with your friends at MGTF last June (if I'm not mistaken). Syafiq, Maizol and Rahim were amongts them, as I was told. All of them used to be my students too. Didn't know about it and of course, was not informed (and not invited too). I heard that the closing was officiated by Dr. Nurul of the School of the Arts. Congrats.



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