Sunday, 9 June 2013


George Town Festival (GTF), Penang is kicking and running again. 

When some of my 'clever-clever' international friends asked me what is the festival is all about, or what is it trying to say, or what is actually the theme, the concept, the value proposition, the promise, I just say "'donno', just shut your freaking mind up, come to George Town and enjoy the festival la!"

Similar with the conundrum of picking what to eat in the 'food-heaven' Penang, the so many promisingly-pitched 'events' in the menu makes me excited and confuse at the same time. Perhaps it is not unlike shopping in Penang too, the customers are spoiled by so many choices. 

A menu so rich and lavish with choices is good, even though it may make one ponder what actually is the niche and forte of the serving restaurant and its brilliant master chef? 

Shopping in a place with too many choices seemingly thrown 'at random' may make one feels like being in a 'pasar malam' (which can be fun too). But a dress with too many 'glitters' may outshine its 'wearer'. 

With lots of voices to listen to, in many 'languages' and nuances, and many art-forms to gaze at, one may get dizzy or drowned. One may even lost her compass after getting so 'high'. 

If the festival is to be consumed like the popular 'pasembor' (local Penang delicacy), what would be the 'kuah' or gravy that binds all the different ingredients? Where are all these exciting line-ups of artsy-fartsy events heading to?

Well, perhaps towards Penang economic prosperity, as indicated by a planned study on the economic impacts of GTF. 

All the best then.

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