Thursday, 8 December 2011


Excerpt from previously long-winded blog entry, for easy reading of my students.

"Kamu dalam Aku/You in Me" (2010)










THE GARDEN OF THE MIND                               

by Hasnul Saidon on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 3:01am

Di ANTARA dinding putih Four Points sambil mengadap silvet kota Kuching berlatarkan megah Santubong. Ada ruang memecah ketepuan seni rupa Malaysia terselit di celah-celah pertemuan gelombang minda beberapa insan di UNIMAS. Seperti juga sel-sel otak yang hidup segar bila di'hubungkan' antara satu sama lain, kini diperlukan usaha untuk mengaitkan gelombang ini dengan yang lain di UPSI, UPM, UMS, MMU, UiTM, UNISEL, UMK.

Ada hikmah mengapa dilarang 'membakar jambatan' hubungan silaturrahim. Kerana fitrah otak yang berbilion selnya hanya hidup bila ia membina jambatan jalinan, tautan dan hubungan antara satu dengan lain; membina jaringan corak (coding fikir) yang bersifat:

1. Multidimensi
2. Saling berkait dan bergantungan (istilah 'independent'atau pengasingan melampau adalah anti-fitrah)
3. Modular (mikro dan makro dalam sinergi yang infinit)
4. Multi-arah
5. Multi-fokal/pusat
6. Bersifat baru (setiap saat sel mati diganti dengan yang baru)
7. Multi-peranan/disiplin/bidang

Marilah kita kembali pulang kepada fitrah. Pentas mulanya adalah pentas minda. Marilah menjadi saksi kepada perlakuan minda kita sendiri. Jadilah 'yang terbangun' dari belaian 'mimpi benda'.

Tq my dear Deng. Mind is our next frontier. See the World Cup. Many so called upsets. We called them upsets merely because the results were not in tuned with our 'logical' way of thinking. We have been so conditioned to be dependable on quantifiable statistics to control, manage, form and predict logical system. They are illusions, shadows. That legacy of industrial revolution that places science and all tangible (measurable) things (benda) as the sole basis of living is still haunting us in all fields and dimensions of our life.

The mind (and eventual body response to it that we call emotion), doesn't work in such a way. It displays quantum fluctuations that most quantitative means of measurement can't pick up. Quantum field is fluid, ever-changing, dynamic and displays the 7 characters or principles that I have listed above. Interestingly, we are the 'pewaris' of such principles, as epitomised by many forms of our own traditional art, culture and heritage. Sadly, such tradition has been tainted as 'pre-modern' by the snob legacy of modernism (and the so-called modernisation). Ironically, many developed, western and modern countries are now pondering a return to the true nature of our mind, instead of countries in the east.

Ramai 'pemberi hidayah' masa lampau, para Nabi, terutama Penghulu kita, Nabi Muhammad,begitu cinta kepada kita kerana sanggup berkorban jiwa raga untuk mewasiatkan kepada kita cara menala (tuning) minda kita agar kembali kepada fitrah.

Sadly, the way we go about our daily life and the matrix of our thinking patterns (and all the emotional attachments plus baggage) are slaving and destroying us and humanity. We need the return to our fitrah, our true nature. We have been steered off tangent, dissonant from the vibration (music) of the universe. We sing dissonant song, vibrate bad frequencies, detaching ourselves by burning bridges (of love and friendships), and many more anti-fitrah things.
Ironically, some people who like to claim to be 'alim' or 'pious' or warak are very much trapped by such anti-fitrah ways of thinking.
Mereka 'membakar jambatan' dan bukan membina ikatan, tautan serta hubungan kasih serta persahabatan. Macam mana otak dan minda nak sihat? Jadilah kita insan yang mindanya sakit, tidak 'in tuned' dengan fitrahnya. Minda sakit, disusul dengan reaksi emosi yang sakit. Keduanya menzahirkan perbuatan yang sakit dan menyakitkan. Bila perbuatan diulang-ulang, jadi tabiat. Bila dah jadi tabiat, ia keras jadi benda (hisap rokok contohnya, bila dah jadi tegar macam saya, susah nak buang toksiknya). Terzahirlah yang kita panggil penyakit (untuk diubat oleh doktor). Walhal, puncanya adalah minda. Doktor buang tanda je, bukan punca. Tidak hairanlah,sudah banyak terzahirnya pelbagai tanda-tanda penyakit minda dan emosi di serata dunia, dari peringkat individu hinggalah negara. Dari penyakit-penyakit pelik, gejala sosial, hinggalah kepada konflik (dalam keluarga, dalam persatuan, dalam parti dll, sesama 'orang alim') yang puncaknya adalah peperangan dan kehancuran kemanusiaan.

Siapakah musuh sebenar dan di mana musuh ini? Adakah musuh ini boleh kita tunding dengan jari? Atau ia berlegar secara ghaib dalam gelombang fikir serta perasaan yang kita namakan sebagai 'fikiran aku', 'perasaan aku'.

Oleh itu, apakah kemenangan sebenar? Kalaupun menang perang fizikal, Penghulu kita pernah berpesan, ada medan dan pentas perang yang lebih hebat, untuk kita damaikan dan menangi. Memang adakala kita kalah, adakala kita menang. Jika menang yang ini, barulah boleh declare 'kebebasan, kemerdekaan dan kedamaian/ketenangan' sejati.

Marilah kita 'membina jambatan', manjadi 'talian' ANTARA pelbagai dimensi fikir dan rasa yang sentiasa rindu untuk kembali kepada fitrah getarannya yang asal. Marilah kita menjadi saksi kepada proses serta perlakuan minda kita sendiri. Itu adalah pintu mengintai 'DIRI'.

"Mendiri" with projection


Deng, the moon up in BDC's sky is so bright. Jupiter is faithfully by its side. The stars blinking. I'm in Sarawak Darul Hana now, hopefully to return to the very reason why I chose to be a 'learner' when I migrated to UNIMAS before. True home is returning to one's soul)

May Allah Bless us.

Tq Deng for reminding. And yes, from quantum point of view (mind), distance and time are irrelevant. They may overlap.

Aku dalam kamu, kamu dalam aku, kita dalam segalanya, segalanya dari Yang Satu. 

'Dakap" (2010)
Every moment we think, we are creating and sending a frequency, and that frequency will eventually manifest physically into what we normally take as 'my life'. There is only now, whether we are thinking about the past or the future, we are thinking it NOW. SO, better occupy the NOW with 'jalan yang lurus' and all the tasbih and tahmid so that the mind is in a continuous state of awakening. That is our jihad.

Bayang (Shadow)



  1. Embracing the 'Now' has to happen effortlessly as it is still in the 'time mode' or a frame of time and there is the element of the me and the Now. if we strive to embrace Now, like to cease the Moment... it just has to happen without any of our deliberate or conscious impulse or compel or for that matter without any thought or compulsion. Bare attention...absolute silence of the mind...not negating or empowering but just absolute surrender or submission to that which Is.It is only when mind ceases to exist that Love is manifested. Love, Truth and God(Allah SWT), is not a product of the mind, mush less that of the ego.
    Only a flawless mirror can reflect that which is flawless without casting any shadow of doubt that is the product of any form of conditioning or experiences, thoughts or ideas. What it takes to become a flawless mirror or an impeccable 'Vajra' or diamond is what religions and the ancient minds have been trying to hand us down from the day we asked who we are. This is the Awakened mind, this is the Original Nature we seek.The path is many, the destination is ONE.

  2. Ni nak tanya dan mungkin "soalan budoh"...Deng tu siapa sebenarnya?



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