Monday 8 January 2024


 Dear @danialkushairi_ 


Danial, you see this world of through a pure & honest lense. You see with your 'mata hati'. You epitomize the phrase 'cahaya mata'. Your paintings examplify the result of 'peri hati' or of refining one's heart. Of being in the zen-like theta brainwave, in the state of khusyuk, of zikir, of meditation. Ya, your works are trippy, psycedellic, as if we were given access to see our world with pure joy, happiness, love & compassion. What a beautiful synchronicity that you have your first solo in a gallery called 'Inner Joy'. Its a world bursting with colors so rich, diversed yet well balanced. The meditative details lure us into a world of multiple dimensions. Flat, shallow, ambigious and deep spaces collide into one beautiful composition. Topographical birdseye view co-exists with multiple perspectives. The fractal patterns of quantum energy discharge and bio-magnetism become your signature visual language. You speak in a high energy, pure frequency quantum language. Its the language of the Universe. Its the language of fitrah. Fitrah means, you speak the language of Beauty, Goodness & Truth.

Your works embody core intangible values that appear to be increasingly sidelined in today's world. Budi, adab, kegigihan, ketekunan, kesabaran, keyakinan, kepercayaan. Mayb you have been showered by these core values by your mom, your dad, your sisters. You are blessed with a beautiful supportive family. 

As we are becoming obsessed with quantifiable or measureable tangible experiences, you remind us of these core values. These values cant be measured or quantified precisely. They are beyond quantification. Yet, they are central to what we called 'budi, adab, kepintaran or 'intelligence' (not A.I) and 'excellence'. They are central also to our kesejahteraan, or wellbeing and mental health. You remind me of our role as the custodians of these core intangible values without having to force us to hear any sermon, lecture or hollow political speech. We are all borrowers, we dont really own anything. We were given the amanah or trust to uphold these core values. I hope we have delivered our duty well. 


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