Takda seorang pun dari kita yg boleh menjadi pulau terpencil. Jikapun mahu menjadi pulau terpencil, kita tetap perlu berdepan dgn pasang-surut lautan yg lebih luas itu.
Bersama sahabat lama, Bayu Utomo Radjikin
Takda seorang pun dari kita yg boleh menjadi pulau terpencil. Jikapun mahu menjadi pulau terpencil, kita tetap perlu berdepan dgn pasang-surut lautan yg lebih luas itu.
Bersama sahabat lama, Bayu Utomo Radjikin
Selain berlagu, elok juga rujuk buku. Jika takda masa sebab sibuk dikejar mimpi yg tak pasti, boleh baca nota2 visual ini.
Denai kosmologi lestari & ekologi kerohanian - budaya tradisi watan - cara hidup sederhana yg berimbangan - berasas saling-keterjalinan & saling-bergantungan yg mendalam, berpaksi Tuhan - membangun kesedaran keinsanan & nilai2 kemanusiaan - kini dihimpit raksasa globalisasi, ekonomi kapitalistik & pemujaan materialisma - estraksi sumber alamiah melebihi kapasiti utk tumbuh-semula - mengejar ketamakan & kemewahan material - dominasi & manipulasi kelas elit pemodal+pemerintah - dinormalisasikan menerusi instrumen perundangan, polisi, kewangan, institusi, agenda korporat - menguntungkan segelintir yg amat kecil utk kekalkan cara hidup mewah & keistimewaan politik, ekonomi, sosial & budaya. Majoriti jadi hamba atau zombie yg dpt kerak atau dedak je, atau tak dpt aps2 pun, terutama yg bottom billion. Majoriti terpaksa menyusu dgn racun sejak dilahirkan, hidup kejar mengejar dlm perlumbaan berselut utk ditabal sbg 'berjaya'.
Ok cukup takat tu je.
Foto tu di @lamantokmah .
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Brader, pernah tanya tak, kenapa kita sering digesa-gesa utk berlumba dgn kelajuan membuta? Tak sempat utk 'diam'. Mana lu mau pergi, apa lu mau capai, apa lu cari?
Brader, boleh tak dihujahkan bahawa kita adalah hasil dari struktur yg melingkari kehidupan kita. Selera, keingininan, kemahuan, nilai2, pemikiran, sentimen, perasaan, semua tu produk struktur yg melingkari. Lu nampak dan kenal tak struktur tu? Siapa yg suluh apa yg perlu lu nampak? Betul ke penyuluh, atau penyuruh atau penyilau. Apa lu cari, lu nampak, lu tarik. Apa lu tarik, lu jadi. Pilih betul2 penyuluh tu. Atau lu sendiri kena cari suiz dalam diri utk dipetik agar hati lu terang.
Silala baca nota2 dari satu buku yg dirujuk. Tapi kalau taknak pun takpa.
Foto di @lamantokmah , satu jawapan kpd persoalan yg ditimbulkan dlm buku yg dirujuk.
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@lamantokmah is an awesome example of how 'think kampung' (instead of 'ThinkCity'), can be translated into a real action that brings people back to kampung cosmology, visual tradition & local wisdom. It represents another trajectory of think kampung, in compliment to the inap-ilmu initiative of @rumahtokcu . Laman Tok Mah started as a venue for Pelatih Tamu @_khabirroslan who stayed at the house @rumahtokmah for 6 months. It was a programme jointly organized by @mgtfusm . Khabir is currently showing his artworks at Wei Ling Gallery. He won UOB Emerging Artist Award in 2021.
What makes Laman Tok Mah even special is that it compliments the philosopical, conceptual & theoretical underpinnings of its establishment without having to lecture people. It responds to 'problem statements' related to predatorial capitalism & free market-driven notion of 'bangun' or development, in practice, not just through academic papers, rhetorics & symbolic gestures. While some will go for 'artistic reactions' through artist-centered contemporary art forms, @lamantokmah takes a humble, casual, folk-friendly approach. Yet, the enveloping sense of local aesthetic, arts, tradition & heritage are still very central. In fact, the visual beauty of the whole kampung vistas, or local landscape that surrounds the presence of the house, is the very core of @lamantokmah . Here, art, expecially traditional art, blends nicely with the whole socialscape & culturalscape. It is not seeking attention to itself by making an odd superiority-complex presence of 'high art' padestal in a kampung setting. Free from the sometimes pretencious posturing & pretext of 'contemporary art', Laman Tok Mah provides a more slamber, casual, yet immersive, engaging and meaningful experience. Instead of showboating, preaching or virtue signalling, it wins the hearts through humility & authenticity. Best of all, it has been actualized indipendently without having to seek any sponsorship or funding from any institution.
@rumahtokcu hereby gives @lamantokmah a tabik spring! With doa that it will continue to be granted a sustainable presence across many generations to come.
Inap-ilmu @rumahtokmah dgn kerjasama @mgtfusm , spin-off dari inap-ilmu @rumahtokcu . Dengan Pelatih Tamu @_khabirroslan . Pemula @lamantokmah
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Inap-ilmu @rumahtokmah oleh @_khabirroslan dgn kerjasama @mgtfusm , spin-off dari Inap-ilmu @rumahtokcu . Pemula @lamantokmah
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Biar saksikan syurga, walau masih di dunia.
@aininahasnul, Abah played this song in hospital when I taught I was going to die. I brought my mind to few places that Ive been, including this Mount Kinabalu. You are my syurga in this world. So do your mom, kakak, mia my syurga. Allah manifests His Love & Compassion through all of u. I am happy. I am healthy. I am blessed. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar.
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(Selepas "Ayahku dan Angkasawan" oleh Ibrahim Hussein) Kita singgah ke Kampung Baru, Manjung, Perak. Ini pekan nelayan. Dekat deng...