Friday, 31 January 2020
Alami 'KUANTUM NUSANTARA' menerusi 'Inap Ilmu @rumahtokcu'. Alami ini takda pendua atau salinan di mana2. Ia juga tidak berpenaja
Aturcaranya begini : Jam 12 thari langkah masuk ke rumah ibu dgn niat menjernih diri, makan thari, solat zuhur, santuni fitrah air mengalir & jernihkan hati di Sungai Sedim, minum petang, solat asar, riadah petang berkebun bunyi melaras ritma nafas, solat maghrib, makan malam, solat isya', kuliah peta kuantum kosmodiri dgn topik ikut niat & angin pencari ilmu. Ketika hening malam yg sejuk, santuni makna diam dan aman dalam kediaman. Bertasbih dgn bintang2 di langit.
Esoknya, selepas solat subuh & sarapan, dengarkan simfoni alam pagi, jalan atas embun rumput, boleh mandi oksigen salam dgn alam di Tree Top Walk, sambung jernihkan hati kenal tanah & air di Sungai Sedim. Selepas berkemas, jam 12 thari pulang dgn bekalan rasa yg osem & hati yg insyaAllah, celik & terang.
Harga sewa rumah ibu semalam = RM150
(Rumah ibu selesa didiami 4 org. Boleh tambah hingga 10 orang jika ada yg sanggup tidor di anjung & bawah rumah guna tilam, bantal, selimut sendiri. Tolong jaga adab muhrim)
Harga katering (jika mahu. Boleh juga masak & sediakan bekalan makan/minum sendiri) = RM60 seorang
Harga jalan atas pucuk2 pokok di Tree Top Walk = RM10 seorang
Harga ilmu = tak terbayar.
Sila hubungi Hasnul J Saidon di 017-5047743 utk atur hari yg molek. Kita atur, Allah yg tentukan. Takyah paksa2. Ngalir je.
Sekian utk makluman.
#KuantumNusantara #ekologispiritual #petakosmodiri #TasbihSungaiSedim #keDIAMaMAN #senafassenadi #multiversity #didikjiwahalus #gemaBELAS #traditionalhomestay #traditionalliving #traditionalmalayhouse #creativelearning #experientiallearning #creativeworkshop #teambuilding #artististsscientistsinresidence #familyholiday #sedimriver #artscience #wellness #mindfulness #meditation #highervibration #quantumhealing #naturalhealing #soundhealing #resonance #lovecompassion
Saturday, 25 January 2020
@aininahasnul in Wonderland.
Alangkah indahnya jika saudagar2 muzium 3D yg besar dan gagah ini menyantuni sejarah, legenda, mitos & kisah2 Mat Chinchang, Mat Raya, Dayang Bunting, Pandak Mayah, Cik Alang, Mahsuri, Wan Yahya, Deraman, Merong Mahawangsa dan byk lagi. Itu semua lebih berakar di bumi Langkawi yg hebat. 99 pulau, fosil berusia 500 juta tahun, sejarah gunung Chinchang yg setinggi 713 meter itu, semua membawa kita hingga ke zaman Cambrian. Banjarannya adalah yg paling awal terbentuk di pentas Sunda. Latar geologinya yg terisi granit, batu kapur, syal, dan batu lanar itu sudah tentunya boleh dijadikan mural yg gah dipandang. Pantai Pasir Hitam berhampiran Air Hangat dan Kuala Teriang yg penuh dgn turmalin, ilmenit & zirkon itu boleh dijadikan lantai lukisan yg dasyat.
Langkawi pd zaman bawah pemerintahan Sultan Abdullah Mukarram Shah III (1778-1797) dan Sultan Ziyauddin Mukarram Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Azilin Muadzam Shah (1797-1803), Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ziyauddin Mukarram Shah (1803-1843), serangan Siam hingga terbakar seluruh Langkawi, semua ini pastinya mencabar imaginasi utk dilukiskan. Janganlah dilupus pula sejarahnya.
Latar pelbagai mitosnya pun sudah melangkaui hukum alam kasar, dgn imaginasi & fantasi yg boleh membuat Alice yg pernah ke Wonderland itu pun kagum. Itu belum lagi cerita2 mistik yg melingkari populasi langsuir di pulau ini.
3 juta pelancong yg dtg ke Langkawi setiap tahun itu pun pasti akan kagum. 3 juta pelancong itu boleh ditanam dgn naratif2 Langkawi yg tak kurang hebatnya. Para pelukis kelahiran Langkawi juga ada, tak perlu diimpot dari negara K-Pop.
Jika Mahsuri dtg dlm mimpi utk bertanya, saya kata, "org zaman sekarang dah tak lut sumpah."
Cenang disampuk balada globalukasi. Ia berkocak rancak dgn keriuhan semiotik kapitalisma pasaran bebas. Semuanya berlumba2 menggamit nafsu manusia dari merata dunia. Sgt berbeza dari Cenang yg aku kenang ketika ia masih disumpah. Sedang gua lalu di celah2 riuh itu terdengar panggilan 'Prof' dari tepian jalanan. Susuk seorang pemuzik jalanan tersenyum lebar sambil hulur salam. Baru tadi semasa makan, seorang busker dtg ke meja hulur salam. Ni sorang lagi. "Lu siapa brader, sori gua lupa". "Saya Epol, dulu pernah jumpa masa Prof dgn Ainina busking di Bukit Mertajam, belakang deret2 kedai." Ok, gua ingat. Epol busker kental dah berhijrah ke Langkawi. Terbaca nota tulis tangan "the island provides". Mungkin itu cogan buat obat amukan ekonomi global perca moden.
Cenang disampuk balada globalukasi. Ia berkocak rancak dgn keriuhan semiotik kapitalisma pasaran bebas. Semuanya berlumba2 menggamit nafsu manusia dari merata dunia. Sgt berbeza dari Cenang yg aku kenang ketika ia masih disumpah. Sedang gua lalu di celah2 riuh itu terdengar panggilan 'Prof' dari tepian jalanan. Susuk seorang pemuzik jalanan tersenyum lebar sambil hulur salam. Baru tadi semasa makan, seorang busker dtg ke meja hulur salam. Ni sorang lagi. "Lu siapa brader, sori gua lupa". "Saya Epol, dulu pernah jumpa masa Prof dgn Ainina busking di Bukit Mertajam, belakang deret2 kedai." Ok, gua ingat. Epol busker kental dah berhijrah ke Langkawi. Terbaca nota tulis tangan "the island provides". Mungkin itu cogan buat obat amukan ekonomi global perca moden.
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
"Energi tempat ini, memang ada energi bapa kau", kata Prof Hasnul J. Saidon selepas singgah di Mustika Cetak.
Ya energi ayah yang akan terus mengalir bagaikan listrik di sini. Terima kasih atas segala kata-kata nasihat, meneliti hasil seni #raidjazli dan kesudian bertandang ke tempat kami.
Bulan depan, pameran sempena ulang tahun Persatuan Artis Seni Visual Langkawai (LAVAA) ke-10, LAVAA X akan berlangsung di Balai Seni Lukis Negara Langkawi. Jemput.
Sat, sapa yang pasang lagu Mustika - M. nasir tadi masa duk kalut bergambaq. Mujuq aku tak buka cerita kenapa nama kedai kami ni Mustika Cetak. Kalau tak, panjang lagi Prof Hasnul berletiaq. Kah!
Thursday, 16 January 2020
Alami & santuni yg lokal dulu sebelum kecoh nak jadi global ikut piawaian ntah sapa.
(Small localism)
Experience & learn locality first before shouting for global based on donno what criteria.
Alami & santuni yg lokal dulu sebelum kecoh nak jadi global ikut piawaian ntah sapa.
(Small localism)
Experience & learn locality first before shouting for global based on donno what criteria.
Sebab itu dimuliakan dgn istilah 'ibu' dlm bahasa Melayu. Bukan 'capital' (modal utk buat untung, atau sesuatu yg besar). Ibukota belas pernah cuba diusul & digagahi. Tapi biasalah kan, ramai yg pandai2 suka kaitkan bandaraya dgn benda2 'raya'. Ibukota belas ya, lebih murni dari kota pintar terlebih fikir dan congak2.
That is why a city is referred to as a 'mother' in Malay language. It is not refered to as a 'capital'. City of belas or compassion that beloves & beloved has been at one time proposed. But whatodo, many clever2 people like to associate a city with more materially- celebrated 'things'. Compassionate city is better than a smart overthinking or overscheming one.
Sebab itu dimuliakan dgn istilah 'ibu' dlm bahasa Melayu. Bukan 'capital' (modal utk buat untung, atau sesuatu yg besar). Ibukota belas pernah cuba diusul & digagahi. Tapi biasalah kan, ramai yg pandai2 suka kaitkan bandaraya dgn benda2 'raya'. Ibukota belas ya, lebih murni dari kota pintar terlebih fikir dan congak2.
That is why a city is referred to as a 'mother' in Malay language. It is not refered to as a 'capital'. City of belas or compassion that beloves & beloved has been at one time proposed. But whatodo, many clever2 people like to associate a city with more materially- celebrated 'things'. Compassionate city is better than a smart overthinking or overscheming one.
Monday, 13 January 2020
Sunday, 12 January 2020
Mula dgn 'perhati'. Apa dia perhati?
(Starts with 'looking'. What is looking?)
Perhati = peri hati = memeri hati = memerhati = menghaluskan hati
(Looking = matters of the heart = engaging with matters of the heart = gazing = refining the heart)
Hati secara istilah merujuk kpd 'heart' atau jantung dlm bahasa Inggeris.
Ya, takda perotak. Dalam Bahasa Melayu, aksi melihat dikaitkan dgn hati, bukan otak, bukan juga minda. Kenapa agaknya? Cuba kita beri 'perhatian'.
Hal ini mungkin krn penting melihat dgn hati, bukan mata & otak semata-mata. Melihat dgn hati yg celik & halus, akan nampak syurga dimana2. Juga disebut melihat dgn 'mata hati'. Melihat dgn hati begini juga dinamakan 'prihatin', yakni org yg melihat dgn sifat kasih & belas, rajin mendengar & memberi 'perhatian'. Ia membuatkan kita rasa 'suka hati', 'senang hati' dan 'sejuk hati'. Hati macam ini bercahaya. Hati bercahaya melihat segalanya sbg 'cahaya mata', 'permata', 'jantung hati' dan 'buah hati'. Sebab itu hati yg celik & halus dinama 'terang hati'. Hati yg terang bercahaya akan mencerahkan otak, minda & mata. Ia adalah ubat semulajadi, pemulih & vitamin alamiah yg menyihatkan badan fizikal.
Hati sebeginilah yg mencerahkan hidup & dunia kita selama ini.
Melihat dgn hati yg kasar, buta & gelap, akan nampak neraka dimana2. Ia dipanggil 'buta hati'. Hati begini tidak dapat melihat kebaikan langsung. Segalanya dilihat dgn 'busuk hati', 'iri hati', 'panas hati,' 'sakit hati', 'patah hati', 'ambil hati', 'makan hati', 'berat hati', 'kecil hati'. Lihat begini tidak menghalus & tidak mencerah. Ia menggelapkan otak, minda & mata. Ia adalah toksid, perosak dan racun yg membawa penyakit fizikal. Ramai orang yg mindanya sangat bijak & pandai, tapi hatinya kasar & buta.
Hati sebeginilah yg menggelapkan hidup & dunia kita.
Pilihlah dgn berhati-hati yg mana satu. Jagalah hati tu baik2. Semua memiliki otak & minda yg dah pandai2 belaka.
Sekian, pelajaran Bahasa Melayu tanpa 3 msurat jawi.
Mula dgn 'perhati'. Apa dia perhati?
(Starts with 'looking'. What is looking?)
Perhati = peri hati = memeri hati = memerhati = menghaluskan hati
(Looking = matters of the heart = engaging with matters of the heart = gazing = refining the heart)
Hati secara istilah merujuk kpd 'heart' atau jantung dlm bahasa Inggeris.
Ya, takda perotak. Dalam Bahasa Melayu, aksi melihat dikaitkan dgn hati, bukan otak, bukan juga minda. Kenapa agaknya? Cuba kita beri 'perhatian'.
Hal ini mungkin krn penting melihat dgn hati, bukan mata & otak semata-mata. Melihat dgn hati yg celik & halus, akan nampak syurga dimana2. Juga disebut melihat dgn 'mata hati'. Melihat dgn hati begini juga dinamakan 'prihatin', yakni org yg melihat dgn sifat kasih & belas, rajin mendengar & memberi 'perhatian'. Ia membuatkan kita rasa 'suka hati', 'senang hati' dan 'sejuk hati'. Hati macam ini bercahaya. Hati bercahaya melihat segalanya sbg 'cahaya mata', 'permata', 'jantung hati' dan 'buah hati'. Sebab itu hati yg celik & halus dinama 'terang hati'. Hati yg terang bercahaya akan mencerahkan otak, minda & mata. Ia adalah ubat semulajadi, pemulih & vitamin alamiah yg menyihatkan badan fizikal.
Hati sebeginilah yg mencerahkan hidup & dunia kita selama ini.
Melihat dgn hati yg kasar, buta & gelap, akan nampak neraka dimana2. Ia dipanggil 'buta hati'. Hati begini tidak dapat melihat kebaikan langsung. Segalanya dilihat dgn 'busuk hati', 'iri hati', 'panas hati,' 'sakit hati', 'patah hati', 'ambil hati', 'makan hati', 'berat hati', 'kecil hati'. Lihat begini tidak menghalus & tidak mencerah. Ia menggelapkan otak, minda & mata. Ia adalah toksid, perosak dan racun yg membawa penyakit fizikal. Ramai orang yg mindanya sangat bijak & pandai, tapi hatinya kasar & buta.
Hati sebeginilah yg menggelapkan hidup & dunia kita.
Pilihlah dgn berhati-hati yg mana satu. Jagalah hati tu baik2. Semua memiliki otak & minda yg dah pandai2 belaka.
Sekian, pelajaran Bahasa Melayu tanpa 3 msurat jawi.
Friday, 10 January 2020
A reunion with a different perspective
Pameran Empat Persepsi’ is currently being held at the Creative Space in the National Art Gallery until Dec 31

IT WAS July 1984 when the four friends first met. They had just started their first semester at the School of Art and Design (now faculty) of Institut Teknologi Mara (now Universiti Teknologi Mara or UiTM).
Taufik Abdullah, Mohd Noor Mahmud, Prof Hasnul Jamal Saidon and Fauzin Mustaffa were impressionable young men who shared the same goal — to move the art world with their ideas and concepts via their artwork.
Taufik was the philosophical one, while Mohd Noor seemed more like a loose cannon with unpredictable ideas. Fauzin, on the other hand, seemed a little more structured in his works, and Hasnul, the more eloquent among them, would always have stories to accompany his creations.
Upon graduation, while their peers were still figuring out their directions, the four did something bold and different.
They became among the first in their batch to hold their first group art exhibition at the old National Art Gallery in Hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumpur (KL).
The exhibition was called “Pameran Empat Persepsi” and it was held in 1989.
As they move on, the four have continued to mature as they solidify their ideas and skills that could be seen in countless other exhibitions.
Somehow, 30 years later, they found each other again and decided to have a reunion by having another group exhibition of the same name at the current National Art Gallery in Titiwangsa, KL.

Former National Art Gallery DG Wairah Marzuki (left) launching the ‘Pameran Empat Persepsi’ exhibition earlier this month
Same School, Different Perceptions
“The exhibition is about our collaboration or a reunion after 30 years from our last group exhibition back then in 1989. We might come from the same school, yet we have our own perceptions,” Taufik said.
Apparently, each of them took on a different career path as they parted ways after the first exhibition.
Hasnul flew to the US for a young lecturer scheme, and he went on to become a lecturer.
“Hasnul is doing new media art and then I think he was almost the first one who ventured into digital art. In fact, he studied digital art back then in the US — in Detroit and New York,” Taufik said.
Back then, digital art was new in Malaysia and not many knew about it.
Mohd Noor also headed towards the teaching path after he pursued his studies in the UK and ended up as a teacher.
“Mohd Noor was doing the subject of jeans through paper mache. Now, he’s more into calligraphy and he’s been doing very well,” Taufik said.
On the other hand, Fauzin started off as a set designer at TV3 until he decided to go full time as an artist several years ago. He has been holding several group and solo exhibitions since.
“Back then, Fauzin’s subject was on nature and now, he is more into social politics or social critics about the Palestinians,” Taufik said.
Taufik himself started off as a sculptor, and his works moved him to other countries including Japan and Mexico. He later decided to focus his ideas as a painter.
“I became a sculptor for 26 years. I think that is enough. I want to go back to the fundamentals of painting,” Taufik said.
Currently, Taufik’s paintings lean towards a mix of surrealism and symbolism.
“I went to Japan and Mexico, and then I came back and stayed in Kelantan for many years. Only last year, I thought that I should continue my study here. So I came back to UiTM to continue my master’s degree,” Taufik, who is pursuing his masters at UiTM Jalan Othman in Petaling Jaya, said.

It took the 4 friends about 10 years to finally get their arts together for the exhibition
The Doers and the Thinkers
Most of us would have that one friend who’d give dating advice, although they’re still single.
That friend is usually the one who’d act like our own parents and the one friend who seems to be a walking and talking encyclopedia, and is always fun to be around.
For Taufik, that one friend is Hasnul.
“I think the most prolific and the most clever among us is Hasnul and of course, he was also the best student. That’s why he was chosen for this young lecturer scheme and sent to the US to further his studies,” Taufik said.
Taufik would visit Hasnul when he was doing his masters in New York.
“I like to be with him and listen to his guitar. He plays the guitar and writes music too,” he said.
Of the four, Taufik said Mohd Noor and Fauzin could be the most prolific and very versatile with their works.
“They’re really focused on producing art compared to me and Hasnul because we are more into ideas and concepts,” Taufik added. He said coming home is important to him, so that he could really get back to the basics and make art instead of just being carried away with ideas.
“When you start to think about something and then try to finalise the image, then you have a problem… because art is simply about just doing it. The meaning would come later.”
While he is more result-oriented, Taufik said he still believes that process is as important, something he began to realise since he began pursuing his masters.
“Currently, I’m studying studio practice as a research, so that’s the process. Now, the process is much more important so I have to work all this and change my beliefs, my mind and objective, and try to do more process and take it as research,” he said.
An Exhibition that Took a Decade to Plan
Fauzin, who spoke to The Malaysian Reserve in a separate meeting, said everybody has changed. All four of them have their own families and are very much engaged with their own careers.
“So, when we get together, we can see the difference. Yet, we can still get back to our old selves and do the show. Even though we are different individuals, we are together when it comes to the philosophies of life,” he said.
It took the four friends about 10 years to finally get their arts together for the exhibition as each of them has been busy with their families and careers.
“I jokingly told Taufik and the rest that the next time we get together for another group exhibition, someone might not be around anymore… And it could just be a tribute and really a reunion,” Fauzin laughed.

As they move on, the 4 have continued to mature as they solidify their ideas and skills that could be seen in countless other exhibitions
Of Youth and Maturity
Fauzin missed the physical energy during his younger days. He said the reunion with his friends has somehow given him the energy back.
“I think it’s a process here. When you are younger, you want to try everything, and then from time to time, and over time, you’d grow to become very selective. Your thinking has become more mature,” he said.
Luckily for Fauzin, his transition from being a set designer to a fulltime artist has been smooth sailing.
“So, I got into this TV station working as a set designer, and at the same time, I still had the ambition to be a full-time artist and work for myself. I managed to do that even after 18 years working with TV3,” Fauzin explained.
From Life to Sacrifice
In the “Pameran Empat Persepsi” exhibition, you will see the works of the artists that have been displayed from the first exhibition back in 1989 till today.
Right after Fauzin graduated from college, the theme for his artworks have been very much on nature.
“Nature is just a symbol for life. From time to time, we change accordingly to the development and then the surroundings,” he said.
Fauzin is still using the subject of nature to explain about life and sacrifice, where he depicts it in his artwork “Bunga Putih di Pusara”.
He portrays death in an interesting way, using white flowers, instead of the black-cloaked, scythe-wielding Grim Reaper we would have seen in horror films.
“It’s just a part of a process. Of course it’s sad when we lost something or somebody. But we can look back and then it’ll become beautiful memories when you try to recall it,” Fauzin said.
Meanwhile, Fauzin’s social politics artworks about the Palestinian territories occupation is about sacrifice and people fighting for their lives.
He also made the works more universal because he believed that the fight is for everyone, not just limited to Muslims.
“It’s not just for me personally. Painting is not just about me expressing my feelings, myself. It is about others. I try to show people that it is about sacrifice — fighting for peace. Not only for Muslims. It is actually very universal,” he said.
The painting “Al-Aqsa” depicts the mosque of the same name and is painted in monotonous colours. It also features white pigeons.
“I used the white pigeon as the bird represents freedom and peace. Al-Aqsa mosque was our first kiblat.
When people talk about Palestine, they’ll always associate it with the Dome of The Rock — the golden one.
“Al-Aqsa is actually the other one, the Black Dome,” Fauzin said. Currently, he is working on a Tugu Negara (National Monument) series which will also be black and white.
“The philosophy of Tugu Negara is about fighting and sacrifice and I’m working on that now,” he said.
“Pameran Empat Persepsi” is currently being held at the Creative Space in the National Art Gallery until Dec 31. The gallery is open from 10am to 6pm daily, while admission is free of charge.
Tajuk : H3RO
Penerbit :
Tahun : 2014-2019
Sebenarnya ketika H3RO mula dipersembahkan beberapa tahun lepas, saya mula tertanya-tanya, apa bendalah yang dibuat insan ini. Pada waktu itu, beliau selalu bercakap tentang kuantum. Kuantum itu, kuantum ini. Yang saya tahu hanyalah Quantum of Solace, filem James Bond yang saya tak berapa gemar walaupun ada Olga Kurylenko sebagai bintangnya.
Tapi saya tetap baca juga catatan di blog beliau tentang kuantum walaupun saya tidak faham sepenuhnya. Saya kagum, kagum dengan pemahaman beliau dan cara beliau mengaplikasikan kuantum itu ke dalam persembahan dan kehidupan.
Beliau insan yang saya maksudkan ialah Kebun Jiwa Halus atau nama sebenar beliau Hasnul Jamal Saidon. Merupakan Profesor Madya di Pusat Pengajian Seni Universiti Sains Malaysia, seorang artis multidisiplin yang berkarya melalui pelbagai medium; lukisan, catan, instalasi, elektronik art, muzik, teater, dan banyak lagi.
H3RO saya kategorikan sebagai performance art. . Apa beza performance art dengan performing art? Itu satu soalan teori yang saya sendiri susah nak jawab di sini. Saya tiada satu jawapan yang jitu. Mungkin ada pakar teori yang boleh bantu. Tapi jika anda berada di depan saya, mungkin saya boleh lukiskan rajah untuk lebih mudah pemahaman (mengikut pemahaman saya yang dangkal).
Tapi jika kita merujuk kepada Mark Westbrook, menurut beliau, "Performing Artists usually belong to the acting, dancing and music world, the world of the conservatoires and traditional performance spaces. Performance Art has its roots in the world of the art school, an extension of the fine arts, and often takes place in galleries, found spaces, and in site specific locations. A performing arts product could be a theatre production, a musical recital, a ballet. A performance art product could be chatting with the artist (as herself) in a part of an art gallery made to look like her front room."
H3RO mempunyai sejarah yang panjang. Ia bermula seawal 2014 dan hidup dalam beberapa siri. Saya yakin ia akan hidup lagi beberapa dekad lamanya. Tahun ini masuk tahun ke-5 H3RO menjelajah ke pelusuk Malaysia.
Ia hidup dalam bentuk persembahan lagu, tayangan filem pendek, lukisan, bengkel, ceramah interaktif dan dokumentasinya dimuatnaik ke internet. HJS menggunakan premis pengalaman belas seorang bapa kepada anak lalu dikongsikan kepada peserta H3RO agar memahami apa itu maksud belas.
'Belas tu bukan kasih sayang atau cinta semata-mata, ia lebih dari tu. Cinta dan sayang ni lain. Kau boleh sayang dan cinta pada orang yang kau nak sayang dan cinta. Tapi bolehkah kau belas kepada musuh kau? Sebab cinta dan sayang itu dah terkandung dalam belas dan belas ni luas rangkumannya. Orang yang kau tak suka pun kau boleh belas' kata beliau kepada saya.
Kalau nak guna bahasa mudahnya, belas ini hampir bererti memberikan kemaafan. Hampir saja ya, bukan sama. Contohnya kita belas kepada binatang yang merosakkan tanaman kita, ia tidak sama dengan memaafkan binatang berkenaan. Ahhh sukar yang bercakap tentang perkara ini kerana maksudnya sangat mendalam walaupun sebenarnya ianya sangat mudah.
Jadi melalui H3RO, HJS menggarap rasa belas ini ke dalam hati para peserta yang menyertainya, bermula dengan kisah hidup beliau dengan Allahyarham Saidon Pandak Noh, ayahanda beliau. H3RO ini menjadi satu bentuk terapi buat beliau, dan beliau berusaha agar ia juga menjadi satu bentuk terapi kepada manusia lain. Menurut beliau, tidak mudah mencapai makam belas ini. Adakalanya ia memang wujud dalam diri dan adakalanya perlu dicari.
Beliau memberi contoh bagaimana Abdul-Munim Sombat Jitmoud 'membelasi' Trey Alexander Relford yang membunuh anaknya Salahuddin Jitmoud ketika menghantar pizza. Mudahkah? Hanya anda boleh jawab persoalan itu jika anda berada di posisi si bapa.
Banyak yang nak ditulis ni. Nanti jadi esei pula. Jadi saya berhenti di sini dengan memetik kata-kata Kebun Jiwa Halus a.k.a. Hasnul Jamal Saidon,
"I then realised that the secret of experiencing life is about connecting and correcting the connection that has been disconnected. Disconnection is the opposite of compassion, which would be apathy."
*Pameran H3RO sedang berlangsung di Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah (MGTF) USM sempena Pameran Oasis 2019 sehingga 28 Januari 2020.
Rujukan :
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
Dear Prof Hasnul, you are simply... beyond!🌟 First, having you as my FYP supervisor was a blessing in disguise. When all things (my major, minor, works, commitments) seemed like falling apart, you believed in me. I must say thank you for the time and patience you have taken to groom me towards RINTIS 2019, graduation and the better version of myself. 👩🏼🎓
With your immense support and guidance, "Mirror Mirror • Embrace Love" has been sucessfully executed to instil awareness of the impact of social media towards beauty standards and mental health among women and also to embrace love and kindness. The project was also intended for me to find my inner self and believe in it, once again! 😇
Frankly, you did more than what is required as a teacher. You taught me good values, told me remember to love my parents (your words can touch people’s heart😭), to see the world positively and differently, to say to my heart and believe that great things are going to happen......
You brought out the best in me.
You brought out the best in me.
I will never forget your simple yet profound words of wisdom.
Last but not least, here's a mini shout-out on Prof's message when Lisa, Jason and I were somewhat feeling lost during our fyp journey, 👨🏽: "say & believe in your heart, many2 times until it becomes your echo to the Universe. The Universe will instantly conspire to make it happen."
👩🏻👱🏻♀️👱🏼♂️:"I AM enjoying the abundance flow of fantastic & exciting discoveries on ........................... (topic)."
👩🏻👱🏻♀️👱🏼♂️:"I AM enjoying the abundance flow of fantastic & exciting discoveries on ........................... (topic)."
Take care, prof. We are going to miss your jokes and laughter. 😂 May our paths cross in the future.
Sincerely, your student Adelyn. ☺️
©2019 Adelyn Yeap Yi Jing, Hasnul J Saison & Universiti Sains Malaysia @ Universiti Sains Malaysia
©2019 Adelyn Yeap Yi Jing, Hasnul J Saison & Universiti Sains Malaysia @ Universiti Sains Malaysia
"Dear Mr. Hasnul aka ayah angkat NMT
Before I start this, I wanna tell you thank you for showering us(New Media Students) love of a father. Sincerely from me I have never seen a lecture or even a teacher who’s so dedicated and love his students without seeing color of their skin. You’re truly and awesome human being. I really admire that strength in you. I don’t know about others but I still love your teaching and activities in class even if you’re strict. Maybe this is just apart of your strictness, haven’t see the real you 🤪.
I love the way you love your two daughters (Every girl is always a Princess to her father). They are very bless to have a father like you. When I read your blog about your daughter, Oh My God I really felt that love.
I never really got a father’s love in my life even when I was a kid, but sometimes I really can feel that through you in our class. You’re truly amazing ayah. Not only that but also your love towards your Hero too. 😇
I never really got a father’s love in my life even when I was a kid, but sometimes I really can feel that through you in our class. You’re truly amazing ayah. Not only that but also your love towards your Hero too. 😇
I’m so much appreciated the special attention you have given to our class. Thank you for not making us learn the way others wanted to teach, but teaching us the way we need to learn. You always get angry in class (obviously for our mistakes) but end of the day you made us laugh before you leave.
Not dragging much... Thank you for your ilmu. Thank you for teaching me. I may never do your work as good as you wanted but I learn something and I will keep doing my best in all my other assignments.
Not dragging much... Thank you for your ilmu. Thank you for teaching me. I may never do your work as good as you wanted but I learn something and I will keep doing my best in all my other assignments.
I’m really sorry if I have ever been an irresponsible student or if i have done any mistakes during your class.🌻🌻
Thank you for the marks given for the assignments. I accept it and I will improve in the future. 😊"
Friday, 3 January 2020
Silence is a space, where one inhabits as one steps out from the blinding storm of mental and emotional conjurings. It is a space of witnessing the actions of the mind and emotion as they come and go in a noisy fluctuation. It is a state of being in presence or, mindfulness.
My father used to put 5 small alarm clocks on top of our bulky TV set at home in Teluk Intan. Each displays the times of solat (prayer) - I for isya', S for subuh, L for lohor or zuhur in Perak slang, A for asar & M for maghrib.
The teaching is subtle, yet very effective. It can also b read as a form of creative intervention, with a touch of irony & perhaps parody or even cynicism. Yet it made me more aware of the value of time.
Time, according to quantum physics, creates space. Time & space exist through our consciousness, our minds & feelings, our memories. If we are unaware (not praying), we can be prisoned, drowned & carried away by time & space, by the noises of our own minds & feelings (similar to noises on TV or the mass media). My father used the terms 'lagho' or 'lalai'. His simple act of placing those alarm clocks on the TV set was probably driven by his loving & caring concern. He didnt want his children to get carried away by such noises.
My father left his children with lots of lecture notes mostly in jawi. One example is on how Allah sees our actions & our hearts, not what we own & how we look. Amongst his last written words (he cant speak when he was hospitalized) few days before he passed away are "panggil isteri saya" (call my wife) and "salam kepada anak2" (regards to my children).
Im putting up an installation version of the project 'H3RO'. The project has been touring to many places around Malaysia since 2015, sometimes in a package with a day & afternoon participative workshop. The installation version is going to b a part of OASIS, an exhibition of works by the lecturers of the School of The Arts, USM. Do come & visit. @ Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah, USM
More stories at
#H3RO #H3ROziarah #H3ROpulangTelukIntan #H3ROPULANG
Thursday, 2 January 2020
"Sorry for this rather wordy posting.
I lost my father few years ago. I felt so sad. I lost my most beloved adiguru, my guide, my beacon. My system was shaken. Few years after my father passed away, he was followed by my nephew. I was heartbroken. Ya, life goes on. But not in the same way anymore.
My dear brader Niranjan Rajah recently lost his parents, few days in between. Amna went first peacefully, followed by Appa. Admitedly, I cant brave myself to even think about what my friend is going through now. Another dear friend shared private photo of him holding Appa's hand in the hospital bed. I cant bear having a second glance because it reminds me of what I went thru before with my father. But I know my friend Niranjan has a strong heart. I am also relieved to envision that both Appa & Amma are happy to b together now.
What I can offer is this throwback. I feel a strong urge to share this blog entry that I wrote few years ago. Plus, I also uploaded few postings on fb about Niranjan, Appa & Amma on 23rd & 25th August, few weeks before they passed away.
There are forces that bind people together, even if they are separated by so many demarcations. Please feel that force.
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