Tuesday, 24 December 2019


Bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa kuantum. Ia menggemakan getaran halus yg terhijab oleh kebisingan getaran materi yg kasar. Bahasa Melayu sentiasa mengembalikan kita pd fitrah. Ia menyatukan kita dlm keterjalinan & kesatuan alamiah yg sejagat merentas masa & ruang, melangkaui jasad kasar. Ia melestarikan hubungan manusia dgn manusia, manusia dgn alam & manusia dgn Yg Maha Pencipta. Fitrah ini terzahir dlm kepelbagaian & kerencaman bahasa, seni & budaya. Setiap wilayah ada penzahiran fitrah yg tersendiri. Ini termasuklah wilayah Nusantara. Dalamnya terkandung kerencaman & kepelbagaian. Dalam kepelbagaian ada kesatuan. Contohnya sgt banyak dan melata. Anak dimuliakan dgn istilah 'cahaya mata'. Ilmu cahaya itu sudah lama & sebati disantuni dlm ruang budaya Nusantara. Ia juga didepani oleh para fizikawan ilmu fizik kuantum. Contoh lain adalah 'perhati' dari 'peri hati', yakni memeri atau menghalusi kalbu, bukan sekadar menajami akal saja. Apabila kita memerhati, kita memeri atau menghalusi hati atau kalbu. Kerja melihat adalah kerja menghalusi bukan mengasari. Yg seni itu adalah yg memeri hati atau menghalusi kalbu. Istilah 'ibu-rumah' dan 'ibu-negeri' pula mengembalikan kita kpd getaran 'belas' yg telah diprogramkan selama 9 bulan dlm rahim ibu. Rahim itu sendiri maknanya 'belas'. Rumah dimuliakan sebagai kediaman. Ke rumah adalah menuju ke arah diam dan aman atau kesejahteraan. Kediaman & bandaraya bukan sekadar bangunan, bukan 'pelaburan', bukan 'capital' atau modal benda, bukan tapak mengejar & dikejar tamak haloba. Rumah & bandaraya sepatutnya dimuliakan sebagai 'ibu' yang merahimi atau membelas. Negara bukan 'nation' yg bersifat benda. Ia adalah 'tanah-air'. Kita dijadikan dari tanah & dari air. Keduanya elemen asas kejadian jasad kita. Negara & rakyatnya bukan benda, bukan modal pusingan. Tanah-air adalah maruah, amanah & sejarah. Kita para pewaris & penjaganya.

Aksi gerak silat, persenjataan & busana oleh @zaranyabusana. Fotografi oleh @hasnuljsaidon

The Malay language is a quantum language. It echoes higher vibration that is normally obscured by the noises of the lower material world. The Malay language returns us to our true nature. It binds us in a natural entanglement or experiential union. The entanglement is universal, transcending time & space. It sustains the relationships between humans, between humans & Nature, between humans and God. Such relationships are manifested through myriads of language, art & culture. Every region has its own manifestation of such relationships. This includes the Nusantara region (the Malay Archipelago). It embodies diversity. Within the diversity, there is unity. There are many examples. One example is 'cahaya mata' or 'eyes of the heart' in reference to a child. The knowledge of light has long been embedded in the Nusantara culturalscape. It is also embarked upon by quantum physicists. Another example is 'perhati' from the words 'peri' and 'hati'. 'Perhati' refers to the act of looking. 'Peri' refers to 'memeri' or to refine. 'Hati' refers to the heart. 'Perhati' means the act of refining one's heart, not merely sharpening one's mind. The act of looking is about refining. Art is about refining the heart. The term 'ibu rumah' or 'mother of the house' for a main house; and 'ibu negeri' or 'mother of the state' for a capital city, return us to the vibration of compassion that has been programmed during our 9 months period in our mother's womb. The womb itself is called 'rahim' or 'compassion' in Malay language. A house is honored as 'kediaman'. To come home is to return to 'diam' or 'silence' and 'aman' or 'peace' - peaceful silence. A 'kediaman' or 'home' and a 'ibu negara' or 'capital city' are not just a building, or investment, not a capital or material resource, not a site to pursue or be pursued by greed. A home and a city are meant to b honored as a mother who are compassionate. A nation is not just a thing. It is earth & water. We were made from the earth and water. Both are two basic elements of our beingness. A country and her people are not things, not a rolling capital. A country is an honor, trust & history. We are the inheritors & guardians.


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