Saturday, 15 June 2019


Yang sedikit itu sudah cukup.
Tok Ambak( rumah tenun johor 1946)Kebun Jiwa HalusNormah NordinRohana Ismail

Wajah nya yang runcing, mata berkelopak luas, kening yang lebat tanpa celak, hidung mancung dan kulit sawa matang, bibirnya yang nipis kesamaran dengan tulang pipi yang sedikit meninggi ditarik oleh sanggul bulat berhias bunga Tanjung dan Kenanga bersama  penyucuk sanggul runcing . Wajah yg polos cuma berbedak batu cina yg rata sekadarnya.

Berbaju kurung kain kapas berkanji potongan berpesak, leher teluk belanga dijahit tulang belut bersembat halus separas lutut, berkain batik lipat berbunga sebelah kiri ala johor. Manis segak dibadan yg tinggi lampai.

Sepatu baldu ala baba cina bertumit setengah inci, beselendang jarang  berkerawang lepas didada dan ditolak kedua hujungnya  bersilang. Sesekali seakan lipatan wanita Minang bila ia semakin berusia. Berkartu  jinjit bersegi, ala bangsawan.




Dear Prof Hasnul, you are simply... beyond!🌟 First, having you as my FYP supervisor was a blessing in disguise. When all things (my major, minor, works, commitments) seemed like falling apart, you believed in me. I must say thank you for the time and patience you have taken to groom me towards RINTIS 2019, graduation and the better version of myself. πŸ‘©πŸΌ‍πŸŽ“

With your immense support and guidance, "Mirror Mirror • Embrace Love" has been sucessfully executed to instil awareness about the impact of social media towards beauty standards and mental health among women and also to embrace love and kindness. The project was also intended for me to discover my inner self and believe in it, once again! πŸ˜‡

Frankly, you did more than what was required as a teacher. You taught me good values, told me remember to love my parents (your words can touch people’s heart😭), to see the world positively and differently, to say to my heart and believe that great things are going to happen...... You brought out the best in me!

I will never forget your simple yet profound words of wisdom.

Last but not least, here's a mini shout-out on Prof's message when Lisa, Jason and I were somewhat feeling lost during our fyp journey, πŸ‘¨πŸ½: "say & believe in your heart, many2 times until it becomes your echo to the Universe. The Universe will instantly conspire to make it happen." πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸ‘±πŸ»‍♀️πŸ‘±πŸΌ‍♂️:"I AM enjoying the abundance flow of fantastic & exciting discoveries on ........................... (topic)."

Take care, prof. We are going to miss your jokes and laughter. πŸ˜‚ May our paths cross in the future.

Sincerely, your student Adelyn. ☺️
©2019 Adelyn Yeap Yi Jing, Hasnul J Saison & Universiti Sains Malaysia @ Universiti Sains Malaysia


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