Friday, 12 January 2024


Defining, positioning and approaching one's creative practice in the kind of world we are living now may not be the same as practicing art 50 years ago. Climate change, environmental crisis, deforestation, virus attacks, mental health, wellbeing, aging society, sustainability, food crisis, urban poor are amongst the pressing global issues. The rise of A.I, advanced robotics, virtual and augmented reality, the emergence of metaverse,  NFT, blockchain, big data and high speed processing, 3D print, nano tech, deep fake and many more, will keep on transforming our socio-cultural landscape, as well as our notion of 'reality'. Russia is trying to take over Ukraine, challenging Europe and the U.S on who is more jantan. Meanwhile China is expanding its version of neo-colonialism or 'gobbleisation' by being the ahlong for developing nations. 

Subjectivities are running amok with no moral framework, compas or guide. Radical relativism are going crazy, no thanks to critical theories or post-modernism. Whatever stable collective meaning that have been socially shared before are being challenged and deconstructed. We may be entering into a state of permanent deconstruction. Values are clashing, creating confusion. Languages are broken, diffused, mutated. Thinking is banalized, even bastardized. Emotional xtremism is increasingly forefronted. Even words such as man and woman are deemed dangerous, threatening, bigotry, non-inclusive. All discourses can potentially be manipulated to turn everything into 'fluid' and non-binary. Even our sense of 'beingness' and notion of 'consciousness' are being challenged. Thats the Matrix, though most are oblivious, or chose not to see it. We choose which pill we want to take, blue or red - waking up or sink deeper into the wonderland.

19 February 2023

#inapilmuRumahTokCu @rumahtokcu

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