Wednesday 28 November 2018


When an academic course in a public university is not just about getting good grades or scoring high ranking in research, or racing for numbers in publication, or just mere xperimenting without any direct applications and benefits to 'real' people (public/community) with 'real issues', this is the result. Syukran. All the knowledge, skills, experience & so-called expertise that we r seeking for, regardless of what discipline of knowledge or what kind of vocation (job), in the end, are meant for us to contribute towards the wellness (kesejahteraan) of humanity at large, not as means to race againts others or to claim the right to brag (& the superficial entitlement that comes with it) . Afterall our minds, according to some experts, are like a garden, not a race track. Its time for the public universities to wake-up, and re-allign themselves to their duty for the public at large, not just feeding a certain section of the 'industry' or 'market' or 'pool of experts'. We are all the custodians of peace & healthy quality of living (kesejahteraan) that is increasingly threatened by greeds and many more forms of lower mind (which is the cause of mental illness such as anxiety, depression, stress, hopelessness, despair, low self-esteem, etc) . Each & everyone of us has our own unique role to play & contribute to shift & uplift the society to a higher mind vibration - sincerity, honesty, gratitude, love, compassion, joy, happiness, respect, honor and many more vibes that are finer & beyond numerical measurements. In a long run, these intangible higher vibes will b more instrumental, and practical in transforming & creating a sustainable & better future, NOW. Thats what a public university supposed to be. Notwithstanding the short duration of the event & its humble yet jovial ceremony, I humbly send my love to all the blessed souls who were involved.

Tuesday 13 November 2018


Performan pemulih, "Yasin", 12 November 2018. Tanda2 simetri & imbangan di langit & bumi, & pada diri kita. (Healing performance, "Yasin", 12 November 2018. Signs of symetry & ballance in the sky & on the earth, & within us.)

Monday 12 November 2018


Instalasi cahaya, "Dari titik ke titik", dinding kelarai bertam, lantai kayu kitar-semula, kain kapas putih, kain sarung batik & cahaya matahari petang, 2018.
(Light installation, "From a point to another point", bertam weaving wall, used wood floor, white cotton fabric, batik sarong & noon sun light, 2018).


Instalasi bumi, "Laman Syukur", granit atas rumput, 2018.(Earth installation, "Garden of Gratitude", granite on grass, 2018).


Sikit saja yg bersyukur.
Masukkan kami dlm yg sikit tu.

Thursday 8 November 2018

Tuesday 6 November 2018


Duhai 'orang2 muda' yg dikasihi. Sebelum anda dijangkiti oleh ingatan jangka-pendek & lupa terpilih yg serius, izinkan saya menawarkan pesanan seposen. Bayangkan anda sedang melihat projeksi atau tayangan video. Cuba fokus & sedar adanya 'sumber cahaya', bukan imajan yg tertera. Imajan datang dan pergi, tapi cahaya, terus ada. Cahayalah yg membentuk imajan. Cuba tukar fokus dari 'imajan' kpd 'cahaya'. Imajan mungkin akan mengelirukan kesedaran anda terutama sekali  jika anda membina identiti diri menerusinya semata-mata, atau terlampau bergantung sepenuhnya kpd imajan, atau menjadikan imajan sebagai realiti mutlak. Anda hanya akan terperangkap dlm dunia imajan, dunia bahasa atau bayangan, atau salinan, atau representasi, atau penerangan. Sebaliknya, cuba faham sumber cahaya, sentiasa sedar dgn kehadirannya yg membolehkan imajan wujud utk dialami. Kuasai kesedaran itu hingga anda sendiri yg menjadi cahaya itu sendiri, yg memancar menerusi lensa yg suci, bersih dan jernih. Hanya setelah itu berlaku, anda akan menjadi saksi dan alami apa yg selalunya dipanggil 'gambaran sebenar'. Oleh itu duhai orang2 muda yg disayangi, sedarlah tentang adanya cahaya, bukan imajan.


Tidak semua tentang rawatan, pemulihan dan penyembuhan itu bergantung pd sains perubatan semata-mata, atau ilmu yg bersifat empirikal sj. Ia...