Monday, 29 May 2023
What is the basic language of digital technology?
What is the basis of binary?
1 AND 2, YES & NO
What is the Singular source of 1 & 0?
What is 1?
What is 0?
What is Singular, with no beginning & no ending?
"Life is so precious. It is borrowed too. We are the borrowers and the custodians of life, pemegang amanah. Life is a trust, amanah. When the time comes, we have to return it back. We all came from Love & will return back to Love. Thats our true home & abode of peace.
Every breathing & living moment is so valuable. For us to experience every moment of now, the whole Universe has to be created. The Universe is created for us to exist, to emerge, to experience our life, to witness our story. Create a beautiful story. Create heaven in our mind, now.
You dont know when life gonna be taken away from you. All of us will face death, like it or not. Maybe today, maybe another 50 years. I hope all of us are ready. Im ready. Sometimes I felt as if death was sitting next to me. Sometimes I felt like it was actually my late father, reminded me of how precious life is; reminded me to always be prepared to go home, to return to our beautiful abode. We should be thankful for every moment of breathing & living.
Tq for allowing me to share my story. I am healthy, will stay healthy & insyaAllah will enjoy a long meaningful life experience. I doa that for all of you too."
Kebunjiwahalus, May 2023.
......agar kamu semua dijadikan Allah sebagai para pengkarya tokoh yg mengamalkan secara praktis segala yg kamu ajar kepada pelajar. Kamu dirujuk, dihormati, dikagumi, disegani kerana kepakaran kamu dalam bidang2 praktis studio bukan saja di negara, tetapi di luar negara. Kamu dirujuk sbg tokoh kerana karya2 hebat yg kamu hasilkan, bukan kerana berapa jumlah geran, penerbitan dlm jurnal scopus, penerbitan buku2 dlm MAPIM dan pembentangan dlm konferen antarabangsa (biasanya di Indonesia), bukan kerana sumbangan dlm bentuk kuantitatif semata2. Kamu tidak lagi ditekan oleh kegilaan mengejar ranking berdasarkan piawaian dan kriteria yg dibuat oleh pihak berkepentingan komersial dari negara Barat sj. Karya2 kamu diiktiraf oleh mereka yg benar2 handal di peringkat antarabangsa dlm bidang kamu, bukan oleh panel kenaikan pangkat yg mungkin langsung tiada pengetahuan tentang bidang dan kepakaran kamu. Karya2 kamu menjadi rujukan penting oleh para pengkaji bidang kamu di rantau ini, terutama pelajar. Ketokohan kamu terserlah menerusi karya2 kamu. Kamu menjadi pemimpin, perintis dan pelopor dlm bidang studio masing2, bukan hanya kerana pasaran karya, tapi yg lebih utama, kerana eksperimentasi, penerokaan, inovasi & cetusan ide2 baru yg selaras dgn perubahan zaman. Tempias dan faedah dari sumbangan praktis kamu merentas ke pelbagai lapisan masyarakat, bukan hanya orang2 kaya, kolektor dan puak2 yg pergi galeri saja. Kamu percaya dan yakin dgn apa yg kamu amalkan. Kamu tidak menipu dgn mengajar hal2 yg kamu tak amalkan dgn cemerlang, atau hal2 yg kamu sendiri takda pengalaman praktis. Kamu jaga amanah kamu dlm mengajar, terutama dlm mengajar perkara yg kamu amalkan dlm praktis. Kamu jaga amanah warisan budaya tak ketara (intangible cultural heritage), bukan hanya jadi hamba penyumbang nombor utk kejar ranking je.
Terima kasih byk sudi datang jauh2 utk ziarah saya di @rumahtokcu .
Tak semua dpt sampai sini walau ada yg berbuih mulut ckp nak datang. Jika dah sampai sini, maknanya rezki kita. Saya amat2 menghargainya. Saya rasa sihat. InsyaAllah panjang umur. Alhamdulillah."
"Whatever you tell your mind to think & your heart to feel, your cells will follow. Your body will be.
No matter where you go, you are in your mind. You are living there, now & every now. Go ahead, go anywhere, but your true living is in your mind.
A person can be in a beautiful physical place. He can be in a fancy house or country. But if his mind is full of envy towards others, he is actually living in envy. You have probaby been living in fear, in hate, in greed, plus many more. What you express may tell everyone about what kind of mind you are living in or have been living in.
So, what kind of mind are you living in now? You decide.
I hope you are living in love. If thats the case, you are in your true home. You are in heaven, regardless of where you are physically."
Kebunjiwahalus, May 2023.
Saturday, 27 May 2023
Terima kasih kerana pinjamkan aku satu nyawa. Terima kasih kerana masih izinkan ia bernafas, sihat dan hidup. Terima kasih kerana pinjamkan minda yg kompleks dan perasaan yg rencam. Terima kasih kerana pinjamkan tubuh dan watak. Terima kasih kerana pinjamkan mcm2 pengalaman & ilmu yg kaya, kemahiran, bakat & kebolehan yg tinggi2. Terima kasih kerana pinjamkan mcm2 peranan yg bermanfaat utk kesejahteraan seluruh manusia & semua makhluk. Terima kasih kerana anugerahkan ibu-bapa, isteri, anak2, adik beradik, saudara mara, kawan2 & kenalan, guru2 yg baik2 & cantik2 utk dikasihi & dibelas. Terima kasih kerana anugerahkan mcm2 setting atau persekitaran yg osem utk dialami & dihayati. Terima kasih kerana pinjamkan harta, pemilikan benda, kerja, pangkat, gelaran, kedudukan, kelayakan dan mcm2 lagi.
Tiap malam sebelum tidur, aku maafkan diri yg dipinjam ini. Aku maafkan semua orang dlm hidup yg dipinjam ini. Aku lepaskan semua pergantungan palsu dan identifikasi total kpd semua yg dipinjam ini - diri, org2 yg disayangi, harta, pemilikan benda, kerja, pangkat, gelaran, kedudukan, kelayakan dll. Aku serahkan kembali. Esok, bila dibangun-semula, aku pinjam lagi dlm kitaran maya yg sebenarnya penguji.
Terima kasih atas satu cerita penyaksian hidup yg sgt indah. Hidup kerana Kamu. Mati kerana Kamu. Jika drama kehidupan itu seorang penari, aku salah satu tariannya.
Terima kasih atas amanah ini. Akan tiba masa utk aku pulangkan kembali amanah yg dipinjamkan secara kekal, keluar dari kitaran ilusi atau maya ini. Dari Kamu aku datang, kepada Kamu aku pulang. Moga ketika itu aku pulang dgn hati yg tenang. Cuma, bukan sekarang.
Yang aku terima, kasih. Yang aku pulangkan, juga kasih, Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan Ku. Yg ada hanya Kamu, Yang Maha Pengasih.
(Foto : Petikan dari buku "Wajah M50 : Di Galeri Morne" terbitan ITBN, 2014. Karya ini boleh dialami di @mgtf dlm pameran sMTVa - Screening Malaysia Through Video Art")
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
SALAM (PEACE) dear friends,
If you are seeing & reading this, Im sending you abundance of peace & love. Please accept, feel, absorb this doa - be peace & love. We are abundance of peace & love, manifested through our physical beingness, in numerous beautiful forms. We are the custodians of peace and love.
As we strive to be a better version of ourselves, we will have to face life tests. The tests come in a form of challenging and painful situations, related to our consciousness, or state of mind & emotion. All of us have our own tests, customized for us.
I see all of us passing through all those tests in flying colors.
Yesterday we were whatever. Cant do anything. Today and now, we have the power to choose what we wanna be. Lets choose to be peace and love. These are our true Nature. They heal & bring health, joy & happiness. They make us alive & lively.
Whatever you are facing, you are truly fine & ok. Peace & love u ol. Feel them k, now. Manifest & spread them.
The best place to be is in someone's prayer or doa. Doa is a precious gift, way beyond anything measurable. It returns us to our interconnected beingness, to our shared quantum field. It is how our good energies entangle to manifest our collective beingness. We came from the same spiritual ocean of love. We may be veiled from that awareness, thinking that each of us is some kind of different water in separate cups that come in myriads of form. We usually think in terms of that cups, not so much as the spiritial ocean. We got caught up in the illusion of separateness. We became the slave of ego, the root of mental & emotional sickness.
Be love & loved. Love is our true state of beingness. Love is manifested through us. One of which is in a form of doa.
I am very thankful for all the prayers/doas. I read them again & again to remind myself of how lucky I am. Also to remind myself to value & choose life, health & happiness. I hope we all do.
To those who checked on my health, asked about my beingness, visited me at home or during my hospitalized time, whatsaped, posted wishes on my insta or dm me, gave me flowers, kagen water, herbal water, air penawar, air zam-zam from Mekah, posted me special herbs, madu lebah, madu kelulut, organic eggs, goat milk, kurma, those who shared health tips, diet tips, resources, those who gave me encouragement & advice including spiritual ones, those who prayed for me when they were in front of Kaabah in Mekah..... I cant thank you all enough. I return your doa with so much grattitude. May all of you be in Grace & Blessing of Allah. Alhamdulillah, the treatment is going well, the unbearable tumor pain was gone. I feel healthy. InsyaAllah I will be & stay healthy.
TQ @rozanasbatik @delly.adeela @amirahasnul @aininahasnul for being the light during my darkest time.
Semalam itu p e l a j a r a n
E s o k itu h a r a p a n
Sekarang ini, pilihan.
Yesterday was a lesson
Tommorow will be a hope
Now, is a choice
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
I AM.....
WE ARE.....
Whatever we chose to put after these 2 phrases, our brain will tell our body to obey, follow through and be. The Universe will conspire to turn it into physical reality. Upon constant repetition, focus with intention & attention, that 'I am' & 'we are' that we have chosen to repeat, will manifest physically. Its not just auto suggestion, its doa. Affirmation. It has been argued that our mental-emotional state is more powerful than the so-called objective measurable reality. Our mental-emotional state dictates our physical experience, including our body.
During one dark moment in a hospital, I took a slow deep breath with a deep sense of grattitude in my heart for all the blessings in my life, hold my breath while feeling totally healthy, happy and a deep sense love to these 4 beautiful women, exhaled while seeing in my mind myself enjoying precious time with them. I told myself to be what I want my script to be. I felt a sense of relief. Alhamdulillah.
Then, everytime my mind goes into negative overthinking mode, creating worse case scenario to be followed by sadness, depression & anxiety in my heart, I will stop that by taking a deep breath & 'be' what I wanna be by using the phrase I am.
I am healthy. I am healed, fully cured. I am happy. I am thankful. I am full of love, spilling those abundant love to my wife, daughters, the world. Then I proclaim, 'We are healthy, happy, thankful, full of love, spilling those wherever we go.
Yesterday, I was. Now, I am what I chose to be.
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