Sunday, 3 October 2021



First briefing & meeting at PPSP in August 2020. The name was proposed during this meeting. The history, context, objective & purpose of gallery were also presented by Prof Nor Hayati, Head of the Gallery Committee. 

A preliminary sharing on the design concept of a 'museum & gallery' was delivered by AP Hasnul. 

Site visit to Anatomy Gallery, Pathology collection & the proposed gallery site (MPL : Multipurpose labs) 

14 August. Instagram entry. A day after the first meeting at PPSP. AP Hasnul & Afzanizam Ali (curator-designer MGTF USM) spent some quiet time at the site to draft the initial design concept. 

Examples of preliminary or rough visual concept for SPICES, based on a composite of 'neural patterns' of the nervous system with human iris & heart. This central visual reflects the notion of 'integrated' nervous and blood systems, embodied also in the letter 'I' in SPICES. As the central 'grounding' concept, it is also ploted on the floor of the proposed gallery. 

A composite of the iris & the heart signifies a convergence or symbiosis of observation (science) & qalb (the heart - kalbu - compassion). 

This visual concept was inspired by the term 'eyes of the heart' or 'mata hati' described by Al-Ghazali in his "Misykat Al-Anwar". 

Rough sketch of the front glass facade

Rough sketch of the logo

The Open Studio at MGTF USM as the 'nerve center' for the design work of SPICES

Other than the bifurcated 'nerve & blood systems', another key visual concept of SPICES is the hexagonal structure that can be found in Nature & human body. One example here is in the shape of ice. This is one example of thousands of visual images collected by AP Hasnul for the past 10 years throughout his study of the underlying 'law' or order within Nature. The same 'order' can be found in the Islamic Visual Tradition. 

Example of a page from AP Hasnul's note & sketch books, based on his on-going research. 

The following are few examples of visuals collected by AP Hasnul for his on-going research. In this case, on the hexagonal shape. 

Hexagonal shape can be seen on a Singgora roof, commonly used in the traditional house of the East coast region of Malaysia & southern region of Thailand. Thus, the use of hexagonal shape also signifies 
 the location of SPICES in Kelantan. 

19 August 2020. Instagram entry. Open Studio, Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah USM. AP Hasnul can b seen here briefing about the proposed visual concept for SPICES to the VC Prof Rafiq. This came about a week after the first meeting-briefing at PPSP. Few days before the meeting, AP Hasnul was given a brief from the VC. 

The initial proposal was also presented to several fellow designers-artists for comments. In this case, with Dr Norfarizah, Noor Azizan Paiman & Fadly Sabran

Dr Hafiz is the person who suggested the term 'interactive gallery' instead of 'museum'. 

Dr. Liyana & Dr. Hamdan from Hospital Putrajaya were also consulted to give their views about the proposed design. 

The initial proposed design for the gallery front entrance, based on 'pohon hayat' motif from the wayang kulit tradition. 

The hexagonal shape is used as the basis of the floor orientation & zoning of the gallery

An elevated hexagonal stage was proposed for the initial design, as the central zone for teaching & learning

The logo features three main motifs. The motifs are double helix DNA, hexagonal shape and nerves. The DNA signifies the essence of human body. The hexagonal shape represents Nature and the ideal state of wellness. The nerves signify interconnectivity and integrated approach towards medical sciences. Purple and orange are taken from USM's main logo, as the parent institution.

Weaving pattern made of repeated DNA & hexagonal motifs. This pattern will b used throughout the front glass facade of the gallery. 

Meetings were also done online due to MCO. 


Presentation of the first proposal. 

Feedbacks from PPSP

Site visits, again.

During the first presentation, several changes were made to further improve the design according to the needs and functions of the gallery. 

Upon completion of the final design & 3D digital version, a physical 3d mock up was constructed. This physical model was then presented to the VC for final approval. It was later and finally delivered to the School Of Medical Sciences in early 2021.

Objektif utama adalah untuk mencipta ruang pembelajaran sains perubatan yang lengkap untuk para pelajar yang mengikuti bidang ini di USM.  Objektif sampingannya adalah untuk mencipta ruang galeri interaktif untuk khalayak umum memperolehi pengalaman yang bermakna tentang sains perubatan. 

Teras kepada konsep rekabentuk adalah kearifan dan kesejahteraan (wisdom dan wellness). Kedua-duanya hadir menerusi gabungan pelbagai kepintaran yang saling berkait, merentasi pelbagai ilmu. Kearifan dan kesejahteraan  terkandung dalam tubuh manusia, alam semulajadi dan alam semesta. Kesemuanya adalah ayat-ayat atau tanda-tanda untuk direnung, diperihati, dikaji, dimaknai, dimurni dan dilestari. Tanda-tanda ini menampilkan tatabahasa harmoni yang akur pada Aturan atau Hukum Alam (the 'Law of Nature'). Tubuh manusia itu sendiri adalah sebahagian dari Aturan atau Hukum Alam. Tubuh manusia yang sihat sejahtera, akur kepada Hukum ini. 

Secara visual dan simbolik, kearifan dan kesejahteraan diterjemah menerusi rujukan terhadap 3 subjek utama:

Struktur heliks berganda DNA, 
Struktur rupa heksagonal (segi enam) yang simetri, 
Struktur fraktal pada sistem saraf dan darah. 

Struktur heliks berganda adalah simbol kepada 'tanda-tangan' manusia dan kehidupan. Di dalamnya terkandung kod-kod biologi yang diwarisi. Dari pandangan profil, struktur DNA kelihatan seperti dua tali yang melingkar. Dari pandangan yang lain, ia kelihatan seperti struktur mandala yang simetri. Kesemua sub-bidang perubatan memerlukan kefahaman asas tentang DNA. 

Contoh-contoh motif simetri heksagonal pula, juga dapat dikesan dalam tubuh manusia dan alam semulajadi, dari skala mikro bersifat sub-atomik hingga ke skala makro. Struktur molekul air (h2o) contohnya, bersifat heksagonal. Struktur simetri heksagonal juga dapat dilihat pada objek-objek warisan budaya Nusantara berasaskan arabesque dan mandala. 
Bahasa visual sebegini adalah bahasa tenaga yg halus, yakni bahasa kuantum. Ia adalah bahasa sejagat yang menyatu, menjalin, menyihat, memulih, menyembuh dan membawa kesejahteraan. 

Corak-corak fraktal yang terdapat pada sistem saraf dan darah manusia juga boleh dilihat pada objek-objek alam semulajadi, dari skala mikro ke makro. Antaranya termasuklah sistem hidrologi (sungai dan delta), pokok, kilat, koral, dan banyak lagi fenomena alamiah. Corak-corak ini patuh pada hukum matematik fraktal. Asasnya adalah efisiensi tenaga. Fraktal adalah sistem terbaik dan paling lestari untuk membawa tenaga. Alam semulajadi terisi dengan sistem terbaik yg fitrah ini. Ia juga indah berseni. Pada corak-corak fraktal ini ada hikmah yg menjadi asas kepada penyatuan manusia sejagat, sebagai satu keluarga umat manusia dan alam semesta yang mentasbihkan kearifan dan kesejahteraan. 

Prinpsip-prinsip utama dalam rekabentuk adalah:
> Kerterjalinan
> Saling-bergantungan
> Modular
> Imbangan
> Anjal
> Adaptif
> Dinamik (sentiasa berubah) 
> Interaktif
> Keterlibatan
> Penyatuan (sains & seni) 
> Ringkas
> Mudah
> Praktikal
> Lembut dan feminin
> Ringan

> Garisan melengkung fibonacci
> Rupa & bentuk heksagonal
> Tona bernada (kekunci) tengah dan tinggi (pastel/tinted/cerah) 
> Jalinan corak dari gabungan struktur heliks DNA berganda, heksagonal dan fraktal
> Warna asas utama jingga, ungu, biru, kelabu. 


Brief dari klien>Penyelidikan visual>pembinaan konsep>Lakaran awal & lakaran susulan>Pembentangan dan perbincangan>Lukisan skimatik & teknikal>Lukisan persembahan>Lukisan 3D>Pembentangan & perbincangan>Pembaikan rekaan>Pembentangan & perbincangan>Pembaikan susulan>Pembinaan model>Pembentangan & perbincangan akhir>Penyerahan dokumen cadangan rekabentuk>Penyerahan model

4 bulan


Hasnul J Saidon
Afzanizam Ali
Amira bt Hasnul Jamal
Khabir Roslan
4 pelajar latihan industri di MGTF USM
Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa SPICES dari Jabatan Patologi, PPS USM
Arkitek & Jurutera Jabatan Pembangunan, USM Kubang Kerian. 
Safinawati Samsudin
Mohd Firdhaus Khairuddin
Husni Abdul Latiff
Mohammad Yazdi Yaacob

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