Thursday, 30 September 2021


Foto sebelah kanan adalah ayahanda dan bonda Niranjan, kawan saya. Saya tanya Niranjan, "bro, kenapa you tak bawak appa dan amma duduk dgn you di Vancouver. Mrk dah tua." Niranjan jawab, "bawak dah, tapi mereka tak boleh duduk lama. Kalau lama je, mrk resah. Mereka tak mau mati di negara org. Mereka mau mati di tanah air sendiri".

Appa masuk hospital. Amma tolong jaga. Tak lama lepas tu, Amma meninggal. Seminggu sebelum itu mereka berdua datang dalam mimpi saya. Niranjan sempat balik Malaysia. Beberapa hari selepas Amma pergi, Appa menyusuli. Sehidup-semati. Senafas-senadi. Meninggal di bumi Malaysia, tanah-air sendiri. 

Foto sebelah kiri adalah karya instalasi saya. Saya menyalin-semula tulisan tangan arwah ayahanda ketika dia di hospital. Mulutnya ditutup alat bantuan pernafasan. Dlm keadaan yg amat lemah, dia minta pen dan kertas utk menulis pesan. Dia menulis, "panggil isteri saya", "pesan tok syeh kuat" (pesan pd bonda saya agar sabar) dan "salam pd anak2". Beberapa hari selepas itu dia meninggal.

Denai2 neural (neurual pathways) kita adalah saling bertaut. Denai2 ini membina 'innernet'. Fizikalnya adalah sistem saraf & darah. Mental dan emosinya adalah aliran kesedaran (flow of consciousness). Itulah 'madya' atau perantaraan. Itulah makna 'media'. Mrk yg sibuk hari2 guna media termasuk 'media sosial' harapnya faham makna ini. Denai perantaraan yg bawa kpd kesedaran paling tinggi dan halus adalah.... kasih & belas.

Tapi biasalah, kita selalu disibukkan berlumba mcm tikus2 eksperimen dan dihijab hingga lebih byk terpenjara dlm kesedaran rendah yg memisah-misah dan sering berbalah.

Mgtf Usm


Apa 'kuasa' yg mampu mencairkan ego sambil menyatukan 'hati' semua manusia?

Kuasa belas adalah sgt luar biasa. Belas adalah kemampuan utk memaafkan. Ia juga fitrah seorang ibu. Moga kita semua didakap oleh kuasa ini. Jumpa esok Khamis mlm.

(The force of compassion is exceptional. Compassion is the capacity to forgive. It is also an inherent quality of a mother. It is the healing force of light. May we all b embraced by this force. See you tommorow Thursday night.)

On the right is a picture of my installation. I traced one of my father's handwritings in jawi. In this one, "Allah tidak melihat rupamu dan hartamu, Dia melihat amal dan hatimu". God does not judge us by our look, but by what we do and by the clarity of our hearts. The picture on the left was taken during a performance by Appa (Niranjan's father) to welcome Niranjan back home.

On the right is a picture of my installation. I traced one of my father's handwritings in jawi. In this one, "Allah tidak melihat rupamu dan hartamu, Dia melihat amal dan hatimu". God does not judge us by our look, but by what we do and by the clarity of our hearts. The picture on the left was taken during a performance by Appa (Niranjan's father) to welcome Niranjan back home. 




Balik @rumahtokcu. Senafas, senadi, se-urat. Pembekal oksigen segar di #RumahTokCu & jiran2 sekampung di Sedim Ceria Resort & Kampung Sungai Buluh. Takda bil, takda sst. Syukran infiniti. 

One breath, one pulse, one vein. Suppliers of fresh oxigen for #RumahTokCu & its neighbours in Sedim Ceria Resort & Kampung Sungai Buluh. No bils, no sst. Infinite gratitude.

Jom balik Rumahtokcu
Multiversiti alamiah yg osem & habitat eksperimain yg lekat dlm hati. 

#traditionalhomestay #traditionalhouse #traditionalliving #traditionalmalayhouse #creativelearning #experientiallearning #creativeworkshop #teambuilding #artistinresidence #familyholiday #picnic #sedimriver #artscience #wellness #mindfulness #meditation #highervibration #quantumhealing #naturalhealing #soundhealing #resonance #lovecompassion #gratitudeinfinity #heartbasedliving



Our brains become healthier when the brain cells build new neuro connections & pathways. Pathway in sanskrit is 'madya/media'.




M1993 ITM, Rosli di tahun akhir, Sharmiza di tahun 3. Saya baru balik dari USA, angin tgh panas masa tu. Kini dua2 dah jadi pensyarah. Cepat masa melipat. Hargai 'setiap sekarang' #7tingkatpermai






Biskut kering dan kopi. Jasad belum sampai, hati sudah mari.  Bakal panjangkan pesan H3RO di Selat Bagan Nyiur.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

SPICES - Interactive Gallery for Medical Sciences USM

For the past 2 months, I have been working on this with a team of doctors from the School of Medical Sciences, USM Kubang Kerian. It has been a mind-blowing learning xperience for me. I feel like a young kid discovering a new field to xplore. It reminded me of my childhood ambition to b a doctor. Now I fully appreciate why Allah had given a different path for me. Yet, He granted me with this rare opportunity to b humbled by the science of human body - the best of creation. The team led by Prof Norhayati, thankfully, has been very pro-active in working with me. I also have a small team of designers & researchers at MGTF USM to help me. We hope to come up with an engaging learning space for our aspiring future doctors, USM & beyond. Kirim doa.

#asmartscience #artscience

#inapilmu #kuantumnusantara #spicesusm

#SpicesInteractiveGalleryForMedicalSciencesUSM #USMartTeam



A milestone event that took 21 years to materialize.

This is very dear to my heart, as much as to my brain.

Around 1997, I was involved as a member of a group of artists & scientists who initiated ALAMI - a pioneering science-inspired art platform for the convergence or synergy between the arts & sciences. It was the brainchild of Dato Mazlan Othman. The 'problem statements' for the initiative are too long to put here. We did 3 series of Alami before it dissolved when Dato Mazlan had to take an important post in UN. Since 2018 the initial efforts of ALAMI have been groomed into another milestone event - the artscience awards. I feel very blessed to b one of the judges. I took it as a humbling learning experience and also an opportunity to b inspired by the entries.  Hopefully, insyaAllah it will grow into an important event for Msia & the region, complimented by an exhibition & a publication. Doakan ya.


Sunday, 26 September 2021


Abang Mustaffa pesan, "tengok mestilah dgn kehendak". Apa maksudnya? Mungkin maksudnya melihat dgn niat, barulah beroleh berkat, dapat ingat & tersemat di hati. Corak anyaman Abang Mus menampakkan ciri2 keterjalinan kuantum (dimensi tenaga halus) yg menandai hubungan sesama manusia, manusia dgn alam & manusia dgn Pencipta Alam Semesta. Apakah kita masih mahu angkuh menidakkannya walaupun keterjalinan telah dibuktikan oleh ilmu fizik kuantum yg terkini? Apakah kita masih mahu melatah, menolak, meminggir & melawan keindahan warisan tradisi visual kita? Cuba tenungkan di #RumahTokCu #kebunDsedim

Abang Mustaffa said, "looking must b with wanting". What does it mean? Perhaps it means looking with an intention, in order to receive blessing, and a memorable experience that stays deep in our heart. Abang Mus's weaving patterns visualize quantum entanglement that defines our relationship with fellow humans, with Nature & with the Ultimate Creator of the Universe. Do we still want to deny this despite the fact that such entanglement has been proven by quantum physics? Do we still want to dismiss the beauty of our own visual tradition by mocking, rejecting & marginalising it? Ponder about this at #RumahTokCu #kebunDsedim

With Abang Mustaffa


  "Sir, whats your p.o.v of sickness & healing?" "Sickness, based on my personal experience, is rooted in the act of defy...