Thursday, 6 January 2022



Boleh ke niat beri kesan pada sifat2 air. Bolehkan air dipengaruhi oleh niat?  Betul ke emosi yang positif menghasilkan kristal air yg simetri, sempurna dan indah secara estetik?

Atau itu semua soalan2 yg bawa kita kpd sesuatu yg berpura-pura saintifik (pseudo science)?

Cuba renung.

"One of the previously mentioned studies was conducted in the 90’s, by Masaru Emoto, co-participant in the study used in this article. He came up with the idea to freeze water and observe it with a microscope. At first, he observed crystals of tap water, river water and lake water. From the tap water he could not get any aesthetically pleasing crystals that were unique in design, not even from rivers or lakes that surrounded big cities. However water from rivers and lakes away from development, produced crystals in which each had its own uniqueness, and were very aesthetically pleasing.

The results from this earlier study (among others) also showed that the shape and physical structure of water crystals changed after giving good words, playing good music and showing, playing or offering pure prayer to the water. Disfigured crystals were also observed when creating the opposite situation.

If thoughts can do this to water, imagine what they can do to us? Our bodies are primarily of made up of water, approximately 70 percent. If positive emotions, words and feelings can change the physical structure of water, that means that ‘self-talk’ has a direct affect on the biology of your being. Numerous studies beyond this one show how our thoughts, feelings and emotions, the things we can’t see, are primary drivers of our biological systems.  All we are is beings of energy, frequency and vibration. In order to change physical structure using consciousness, we have to understand that our thoughts, emotions and feelings are directly correlated with the frequency that matter (our being) vibrates at. If you change the vibrational frequency of matter, you change physical reality.

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nikola Tesla

So next time you are feeling negative emotions, or feeling negative thoughts, just remember that you are having a physical impact on your biological system. Your cells, everything that makes up your physical body is always responding to you. So be nice to yourself, give yourself some love."

"If Human Thought Can Do This To Water – Just Imagine What It Can Do To Us?"
December 1, 2013
by Arjun Walia. 

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