Tuesday, 20 August 2019


Take good care of our inter-connectivity. Its a field of energy that defines us. If there is a disconnection, please correct & heal the disconnection. Disconnection is apathy & ignorance. Both are the roots of hate. Hate is the source of anger & destruction. May all of us b shielded from such destruction.

I am blessed to know & learn from these individuals. There r many individuals out there who have been instrumental in my path. Too many to list down. Of course I cant b with all of them in person all the time, especially now as i am more interested in healing my own inner connectivity first. Yet, I am entangled with all of u out there through my doa.

Doa may appear to some as a passive act. But I disagree. From a quantum point of view, it is very pro-active, very instrumental & has a direct implication towards our daily beingness. We are not just what we think & feel, but more importantly, what we BELIEVE.

Please believe in love & compassion, the fundamental binding or interconnecting energy field that defines our beings. We are entangled with each other through this energy field. We are a part of it.


Dato Mazlan (left) & Dato Najib. Science & Art sifus. Have learned so much things from both of them. As a trained astrophysicist, Dato Mazlan has been my main sifu & source of reference on physics, especially quantum physics. I used to work with her in few pioneering art & science projects in Langkawi & Sabah since 2000. Dato Najib brought me to USM in 2003 to work under him as a Program Head & Deputy Dean. He was the one who suggested to USM's VC then Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak (now IIUM's Rector), to place me at the USM Museum & Art Gallery @mgtfusm. With him & Tan Sri, we worked on transforming, rejuvenating & rebranding the place. He also forced me to b a board member of the National Art Gallery for 4 years. Passionate, hardworking, straight talk, no nonsense, garang, zero tolerance for laziness, annoying & abrasive for those who berlawan angin with him, he is also a walking encyclopedia of Nusantara cosmology, batik symbolism & regional wisdom. @rumahtokcu was partly inspired by his Sari Chempaka, and driven by his provocation. His insistence & bickering got me an Assoc Professorship (“hang pi apply sekarang, jgn tunggu sampai kedut?). May Allah grant them guidance, strength, good health, peace & happiness.

This is Ruzaika Omar Basaree, my art & design guru during my 1st year foundation at UiTM in 1984/85. So happy to c her still active teaching, inspiring, researching, writing, making artworks. Few years ago, we presented a paper on khat as a form of visual zikir in Brunei for a Conference themed Negara Zikir. I also invited her as a guest writer for a book entitled "Iqra' - The Garden of Wisdom" that I edited back in 2010. Keep on rocking my sifu!! May Allah grant u with good health, peace & happiness.

On 23rd. September 2016. Jeganathan came to my ‘Kebun’ (little abode) at 7 Tingkat Permai in Penang with his two students, Jaysree and Maheswary. He gave me a crash course on aural healing.  It was a convergence of the arts and sciences, body and soul, on what really matters, with mutual respect between scientific and artistic paradigms, across two inter-twined cultures and spiritual traditions – Hindu and Islam. Throughout the night, Jeganathan was like a repository of boundless energy that emanated effortlessly with heartfelt insights and wisdom. He enthusiastically shared his journey into the field of sound vibration and aural healing, complete with generous demonstrations and practical examples for us to internalize. I recalled my father's 'air penawar' (healing water), and how he used to recite certain verses from the Quran in front of a bottle of mineral water for healing purpose. The practice is based on the idea of water as a conducive medium that can be embedded with vibrational information or memory. Through directed intention and frequencies of the verses, the water is believed to be embedded or coded with a healing energy. Such idea has also been labelled as pseudo-science by the mainstream scientific community, specifically referred to as placebo, a form of psychological ‘make believe’. Yet, there have been increasing numbers of scientific research on the effectiveness of sound vibration as a healing method, with interesting findings that are opened for further debates. For Jeganathan as I can recall, our heartbeats are the ‘heart’ of physics, encompassing three fundamental components – rhythm, melody and harmony. All are key principles of sound frequencies. 
Nice to see u again bro. All the best with ur your project in Sphaera trans-disciplinary research initiative under Dr. Lyne (@lyne_ismail) at UM.

THE #TRANSMEDIATORS - transcending disciplinary boundaries, beyond the polarity of science & art, dissolving the tired demarcation of scientist & artist, beyond the increasingly defunct streaming of humans into science and art streams, ending the spliting of humanity into two (left & right brain). Embracing multiple intelligences or multiple learning styles, empowering 7 chakras, ascending 7 makams of the soul, celebrating quantum trans-dimensionality, enhancing quantum engtanglement and inter-connectivity through love & compassion. U-wei, Kok Yong & Roopesh, in one room, sharing a table. Rare moment. I can write a book about them. I admire their works. Can learn so much from their works. Blessed to know them.

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