Thursday, 24 January 2019


"GELOMBANG" oleh @delly.adeela, dgn suntingan oleh ayahandanya. Direnung & dirakam di Sungai Sedim berhampiran @rumahtokcu. Ini satu lagi hasil menekuni alam di multiversiti alamiah. Ia menyubur jiwa, mengidup rasa, menghilang sombong dlm cahaya Belas Yg Maha Pencipta. Dalam air sungai yg jernih & pada telapak tangan kita sendiri, ada tanda2 yg boleh dibaca dgn akal yg tajam & mata hati yg halus. Dalam salam ada alam.

Segalanya adalah gelombang2 tenaga yg bergema, dari yg sehalus2 partikel sub-atomik hingga sebesar2 galaksi. Semuanya berputar, berkitar, beralun, bertaut, bersilang, bertembung utk mencorakkan apa yg kita sebut sebagai pengalaman jasad & benda. Adakah pengalaman itu penuh dgn disonan (ingkar, bercelaru, tidak stabil, tidak selaras, melupus) atau resonan (patuth, bercorak, stabil, berselaras, menghidup & menggema)? Adakah kita berdisonan dgn gelombang kuantum makroskopik, (medan kuantum) yg lebih luas? Atau kita bergema seiring dengan medan yg luas itu?

"WAVE" by @delly.adeela, editing by her father. Observed & recorded at Sedim river close to @rumahtokcu. This is another result of studying nature in natural multiversity. It nourishes the soul, makes us feel lively, and dissolves our arrogance with the Compassionate Light of The Creator. In the clear water and in our own palms, are signs that can b pondered and read by a sharp mind and fine heart. In peace is nature.

All are echoing energy waves, from the sub-atomic particles to galaxies. All are spinning in cycles, waving, entangling, intefering, and interfacing to form what we call a physical and bodily experience. Is the experience full dissonance or resonance? Are we in dissonance with the larger macroscopic quantum waves or field which we a part of? Or are we in resonance with the field?

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