Sunday, 27 January 2019


(Sebuah esei utk brader Hasmi Hashim yg tak perlu letak kat mana2 portal berita)


Anak tu amanah. Perhati mata dia, nampak cahaya. Sebab tu dipanggil 'cahaya mata' . Itu bahasa kuantum, yakni ilmu fizik tentang cahaya & dimensi halus yg lebih kecil dari atom. Orang Melayu bahasanya halus, yg tak sama dgn bahasa 'kritis'. Bahasanya menzahir getaran jiwa yg halus. Itu yg perlu ada dulu. Lepas tu baru isi dgn fikiran atau minda yg kritis, dgn bahasa pandai2 yg kritis tu.

Per'hati' ada kata 'hati', bukan per'otak'. Tak sama dgn melihat. Banyaklah memerhati cahaya mata. Istilah memer'hati' pula gabung dua kata, 'memeri' dan 'hati' (menghalus hati). Hati diperi dgn kasih & belas. Cahaya mata tu memeri hati. Dia anugerah kasih & belas, bayangan Yg Maha Kasih & Belas.

Berilah hati yg kasih & belas semasa memerhati. Kasih je tanpa belas (mengampun, memaaf) tak lengkap. Nanti anak tu dah besor, kalau buat silap, kena sabar & boleh maafkan. Gitu jugalah dgn anak2 semua org, semua rakyat, semua manusia.

Berilah perhatian pada anak itu sepanjang dia membesar. Per'hati'an, juga guna kata 'hati', bukan otak atau fikir atau minda. Takda dlm bahasa melayu 'tolong ya tuan puan beri perhotakan anda' . Beri perhatian maksudnya 'beri hati'. Bukan beri otak atau buah fikiran atau buah akal yg pandai2 & rajin congak2 acah2 kritis gitu.

Kenalah 'prihatin' terhadap anak. Juga guna kata 'hati'. Takde 'keprihotakan'.

Tiba masa utk mengimbangkan kepimpinan bijak-pandai yg kritis, kpd kepimpinan kasih & belas berasaskan 'hati'. Ia penting utk anak2 kita ketika membesar. 

Itu juga kategori umur yg tidak boleh mengundi atau dipancing undinya. Dengarlah suara hati mereka ketika kita memerhati cahaya mata kita.

Selamat menjadi bapa.

Yg benar,

Saturday, 26 January 2019





Duhai tuan guru Yoda, bagaimana saya dpt menemui keseimbangan & ketenangan?
Yoda : Bila ada orang yg menolak kamu ke bawah.

Dear master Yoda, how do I find balance & peace?
Yoda : When there is someone who pushes you down.



Duhai tuan guru Yoda, bilakah masa terbaik utk memperolehi pencerahan?
Yoda : Bila kamu dlm kegelapan.

Dear master Yoda, when is the best time to experience enlightenment?
Yoda : When u r in darkness.


'Cubit peha kiri, peha kanan terasa'.

Ini contoh peribahasa saintifik dlm bahasa Melayu. Sistem saraf, sistem aliran darah, sistem hidrilogi atau kitaran air di bumi dan byk lagi, boleh dirumuskan dgn peribahasa ini. Wacana ekologi sezaman amat menekankan saling pertautan atau keterjalinan. Malah, saling pertautan adalah sifat dasar partikel2 sub-atomik di dimensi kuantum yg amat2 halus. Hubungan manusia dgn alam itu bersifat kuantum, bukan semata2 ikut hukum klasik benda je. Manusia & alam persis peha kiri & kanan.

'Saling-pertautan' dlm belas, itu fitrah alam. Ketidakpedulian, itu tidak fitrah. Pepatah Melayu di atas telah di'kontemporari'kan atas nama pembaharuan zaman 'dekonstruksi' & naratif serba baru.

Sistem saraf & sistem aliran darah dlm badan kita akur pd fitrah saling-pertautan. Kitaran air & sistem pengairan semulajadi bumi spt sungai pun akur & taat fitrah saling-pertautan.

Yg ingkar, nafsu manusia, kita semua le.

Kenapa ye, menyongsang & ingkar juga yg dipilih. Ye la, lagi sedap kot. Takyah tengok jauh2 tunding2. Tengok & tunding muka sendiri.

Bagaimana mahu sampai pd keSATUan jika ingkar fitrah 'saling-pertautan'?

Jika pepatah atau peribahasa Melayu itu mahu dilabel totok-kuno, tak baru, tak saintifik & yg paling selalu dilaung - emo & 'tak kritikal', cubalah pula layan hujah fizik. Manalah tau kot jumpa 'saling-pertautan' & kesatuan.

Thursday, 24 January 2019


Kitaran air adalah anugerah yg menyucikan dari Tuhan. Dalam kitaran itu ada tersgt byk rahsia ilmu utk diteroka dgn akal & rasa, difikir & dizikir. Dari kepulan awan, menjadi hujan, ke takungan di pergunungan serta bukit, mengalir laju sambil mengukir rupa bumi dlm bentuk sungai, jeram, air terjun, tebing-lurah-cerun, membersih membawa zat2, menyubur laluan, perlahan & mendap di hilir, bertemu laut di muara atau delta, kembali ke laut utk diserap naik ke udara menjadi awan utk terus berkitaran lagi.

Kitaran juga ada dlm jasad kita yg 70% berasas air. Kitaran darah berpusatkan ritma jantung berselaras dgn nafas turun & naik, oksigen ke karbon dioksida ke pokok yg berfotosintesis menyedut racun hembusan kita utk diganti jadi oksigen. Semua itu kitaran simbiotik yg sepatutnya membuat kita kasih & belas pd alam terutama air semulajadi, bukan lupa-angkuh-sombong-haloba. Paling mendasar, air yg disimbah ke muka & tangan membuang sombong wajah (ego) dan angkuh (kuasa). Ia mengembalikan kita kpd 'ketiadaan' atau 'kekosongan'. Itulah penyucian.

Jika ritma kita, fikir & zikir kita, berselaras dgn ritma alam, kita sihat. Ritma itu hadir dari getaran batiniah rasa kasih, belas, ikhlas, syukur, sabar, redha, cekal, tekun, tenang, damai, gembira, ceria. Kualiti batiniah kita terpancar pd kualiti zahiriah alam semulajadi keliling kita. Ia adalah cerminan diri kita.

Apakah kualiti alam semulajadi yg ada di sekeliling kita? Itupun jika masih ada lagi & belum dijentolak.


Potret Diri @aininahasnul hasil perguruan dgn bapak dia. Topiknya warna. Asasnya cahaya. Hadirnya dlm julat frekuensi (sub-atomik) atau gelombang tenaga (emf). Cahaya itu partikel (benda), juga wave (gelombang). Jika dilihat, ia partikel (benda), jika dirasa ia wave (gelombang). Nampak dgn mata & minda, rasa pd hati & jiwa. Halusnya pd medan kuantum dan getaran rasa/intuisi/gerak hati yg ikhlas & bersyukur - merentasi panas, sejuk, neutral kelabu, yg kuat yg lemah, yg asli yg berbaur, yg ke depan, tengah & ke belakang. Jalannya menuju kenal & menangi hati sendiri dgn kasih & belas. Hasilnya terpancar di wajah yg berseri dari hati yg dimenangi. Tak perlu berkira2 utk menang segala perlumbaan kejar nombor, atau yg sepupu-sepapat bersakakan haloba & nyombong diri, orait nina. Sekian perguruan hari Sabtu di @rozanasbatik.


"GELOMBANG" oleh @delly.adeela, dgn suntingan oleh ayahandanya. Direnung & dirakam di Sungai Sedim berhampiran @rumahtokcu. Ini satu lagi hasil menekuni alam di multiversiti alamiah. Ia menyubur jiwa, mengidup rasa, menghilang sombong dlm cahaya Belas Yg Maha Pencipta. Dalam air sungai yg jernih & pada telapak tangan kita sendiri, ada tanda2 yg boleh dibaca dgn akal yg tajam & mata hati yg halus. Dalam salam ada alam.

Segalanya adalah gelombang2 tenaga yg bergema, dari yg sehalus2 partikel sub-atomik hingga sebesar2 galaksi. Semuanya berputar, berkitar, beralun, bertaut, bersilang, bertembung utk mencorakkan apa yg kita sebut sebagai pengalaman jasad & benda. Adakah pengalaman itu penuh dgn disonan (ingkar, bercelaru, tidak stabil, tidak selaras, melupus) atau resonan (patuth, bercorak, stabil, berselaras, menghidup & menggema)? Adakah kita berdisonan dgn gelombang kuantum makroskopik, (medan kuantum) yg lebih luas? Atau kita bergema seiring dengan medan yg luas itu?

"WAVE" by @delly.adeela, editing by her father. Observed & recorded at Sedim river close to @rumahtokcu. This is another result of studying nature in natural multiversity. It nourishes the soul, makes us feel lively, and dissolves our arrogance with the Compassionate Light of The Creator. In the clear water and in our own palms, are signs that can b pondered and read by a sharp mind and fine heart. In peace is nature.

All are echoing energy waves, from the sub-atomic particles to galaxies. All are spinning in cycles, waving, entangling, intefering, and interfacing to form what we call a physical and bodily experience. Is the experience full dissonance or resonance? Are we in dissonance with the larger macroscopic quantum waves or field which we a part of? Or are we in resonance with the field?


oleh Aininahasnul, yg belajar dari ayahanda dia. Bila tengok wajah sendiri, tanamlah dlm hati bahawa kita sedang menatap 'cahaya mata' yg dipjamkan itu. Cuba tanya diri sendiri dari mana dtg cahaya tu? "Potret Cahaya" boleh ditekuni dgn bimbingan tukang kebun @hasnuljsaidon di @rumahtokcu & @rozanasbatik. Boleh ditekuni selama 2 hari satu mlm. Sila pm tukang kebun, dgn niat yg sejernih sungai Sedim. Salam kasih & belas.

by Aininahasnul, who learns from her father. When we see our own face, try to internalize in our hearts that we are looking at a borrowed 'light of the eyes" (cahaya mata in Malay, in reference to a child.) Try asking ourselves whats the source of the light? "Portrait of Light" can b experienced under the guidance of gardener @hasnuljsaidon at @rumahtokcu & @rozanasbatik. Can b experienced for 2 days 1 night. Please pm the gardener, with a clear intention as clear as the Sedim river. Love & compassion to all.

#traditionalhomestay #traditionalhouse #traditionalliving #traditionalmalayhouse #creativelearning #experientiallearning #creativeworkshop #teambuilding #artistinresidence #familyholiday #picnic #sedimriver #artscience #wellness #mindfulness #meditation #highervibration #quantumhealing #naturalhealing #soundhealing #resonance #lovecompassion #gratitudeinfinity #heartbasedliving

Saturday, 19 January 2019


This is my modest review of Kicau-Bilau, an electro-acoustic musical group that I prefer to honor as a lyrical & hauntingly emotive Nusantara soundscaping group.

Kicau-Bilau is formed by a young husband & wife team, Jihan & Irfan. I came to know them about three years ago when they were busking in several spots around the city of George Town, Penang. Penang streets can be unforgivingly noisy for street musicians, but they were persistence. At times, I invited them to perform at the five-foot way of Rozana's Refreshing Batik, my wife's shop & studio at Lebuh Acheh. Sometimes, I joined them, together with my daughter Ainina. Performing on the streets is a good training ground for aspiring musicians.

I had also invited Irfan & Jihan as guest soundscapers for my H3RO & gemaBELAS community tours. At one short-lived time, they established 23 (pronounced DuaTiga), a rented shophouse that they turned into a mini cafe, gallery & performing space. My wife & I later became their surrogate parents in Penang. Through countless talks or what I refer to as 'kebun ilmu' (discussion sessions), we passionately exchanged our ideas about what we like to refer to as a Nusantara soundscape. We felt that one needs to be local first in order to be global.

Irfan & Jihan were occassionally joined by their friends Wak & Wawa, who complimented their soundscapes with improvised body movements.

Kicau-Bilau's musical journey can be an interesting topic by itself. Im not going into that because I'm lazy. I think they can narrate it better than me. Go check out their facebook and instagram.

Ok, lets start with the name first. The word 'kicau' means chirping, in reference to birds singing. As for 'Bilau', I don't know, don't ask me. My guess is that it means chaos or unstable energy.

Kicau-Bilau perhaps refer to the act of singing in the midst of chaos or unstable energy. I suspect they were refering to the act of 'chirping' in the chaotic urban soundscape of George Town. The name is also a creative twist of 'kacau-bilau'. It means disturbance. Kicau-Bilau can thus be read as their creative response to our disturbing soundscape, again I suspect. 

Why 'Nusantara soundscapers'? 

There is an academic writing on Nusantara music by Prof. Wan Zawawi Ibrahim, which I cant remember and too lazy to check now. I hope he is not reading this. I refer to him as my 'brader-prof' . Sorry bro. Anyway, those nerdy type can try to google him and his writing on it. 

I will try to explain according to my casual understanding. 

Nusantara refers to a geographical region in the south east of Asia. Historically it was called the Malay Archipelago. Geographically, the archipelago was originally a plateau called Sunda, before further tectonic & climatic changes gradually shaped the region into its current form. 

Nusantara soundscape is consisted of a rich array of natural, animal & man-made sounds that are rooted in the rich spiritual, historical, political, socio-cultural, ecological and geographical characteristics of this tropical region. 

Kicau-Bilau's music can be experienced as a Nusantara soundscape. They explore & arrange the rich array of both natural & man-made sounds into an emotionally-engaging soundscape experience. The experience is intrinsically reflective of the region's natural climate & habitat, as well as its rich spiritual & cultural traditions. There are of course expansive historical discourses on Nusantara. But this review is not meant to give us an academic lecture on it. 

Back to Kicau-Bilau. 

Irfan & Jihan deploy an open-ended setting that allows their improvisation to flow endlessly like a meandering river. Like a slow river, their sounds are soothing. 

The setting can also be read as a resonating quantum field in which a natural or man-made urban space is creatively engaged to unveil new layers of aural experience. The chosen space is not passive or neutral, but integral or even central in creating the final sound experience. 

Kicau-Bilau uses principles such as open-endedness, non-linearity, inter-connectivity, inclusiveness, interactivity and participative. These principles can be found in many forms of traditional music in the Nusantara region. Their engagement is driven by honesty, gratitude, love, compassion, respect and humility especially towards their chosen setting. 

In such setting, space & moment are aurally-charged by the synergy between their inner-waves, their audience members and the chosen location. The result can be described as calmness, peacefulness, centeredness, balanced, flowing, tranquility, bliss, and many more. These experiences have been scientifically argued as good remedies for stress, imsonia, depression, anxiety and several other mental health symptoms. They are also argued as having positive physiological impact to our body.

Kicau-bilau re-iterates the fact that all of us are micro ripples within inter-connected, complex & inter-dependent macrocosmic waves. Such inter-connectivity or inter-dependency is taken as a sacred bond in many forms of Eastern cosmologies. Theoretical physicists may refer to this as 'quantum entanglement'.  Few sustainability theorists may refer to this as a form of spiritual ecology. We are a part of a larger field of quantum wave patterns. Whatever ripples we chose to generate, will determine the kinds of larger wave interference patterns or quantum field. We relate to this field as our 'inner experiences'. Hopefully the experiences will dissolve our self-centric or ego-based sense of separation into a unified quantum field of infinite wholeness or oneness. 


Both Jihan & Irfan, whilst enjoying their soundscaping journey, are also testing several potentials in approaching sounds from an Eastern cosmological perspective.  One of which is the possibility of using sounds as healing. The healing potential of Nusantara soundscape may help us in dealing with the increasingly alarming mental health issues in Malaysia and the rest of the world. 

Our noisy world needs to hear more of Kicau-Bilau's Nusantara soundscapes.  The scapes resonate with compassion without having to desperately yell loudly or shout noisily. The currency is honesty & staying true to one's inner nature with endless gratitudes towards Nature. 

Keep on chirping Kicau-Bilau. 

7 tingkat permai, Penang. 
20 January 2019.

Friday, 18 January 2019


Dunia kita yg bising perlu byk mendengar bunyi2 sebegini. Ia adalah penzahiran halus insan2 pekebun-bunyi yg hadir dari kecintaan terhadap bunyian alam nusa (kepekaan kewilayahan). Ia menggemakan iklim & habitat alamiah wilayah nusantara. Salam kasih buat Kicau-Bilau. Teruslahkan keghairahan kamu mengicau dunia yg kacau-bilau ini.

Our noisy world needs to hear more of this. It is a fine expression from soundscapers who was driven by their love towards sounds of their region (critical regionalism). It echoes the climate & natural habitat of this region. Greetings of luv to Kicau-Bilau. Continue your passion in whispering your beautiful sounds for our noisy world.

Ahmad Irfan Razib
Jihan Salleh

Wednesday, 16 January 2019



Dengan salam takziah buat ibu-bapa & keluarga ADIB & keluarga semua mereka yg dimangsai oleh 'belasah'.

Saya jejak kembali blog entry yg lepas tentang kenapa terpanggil kpd belas? 

"Kenapa (Why) #gemabelas2017 ? 

Cakap terus-terang je la ya. Sebab kita ni sakit! dan selalunya suka sgt 'cari penyakit' (termasuk yg tulis ni). Ya, sebab tahap kesihatan mental kita kritikal walaupun ramai taknak mengaku. Ada yg suka tunding pd org lain, atau hanya pandai komen, ulas, membahan, men'spin' dan viralkan kes2 mental tak sihat ni saja, selalunya dari satu sumber saja dan tanpa usul periksa. Masalah kesihatan mental menyerang semua org tanpa mengira label di dahi - budak2, org2 muda, tua, org seni, org sains, ahli2 politik, org2 yg mengaku alim, pemimpin, pendidik, pelajar universiti, dll. 
Kita semua amat perlu 'saling-menyembuh', sekarang, setiap sekarang. Belas itu menyembuh. Belasah itu membunuh. Ihsan dan memaafkan itu menyembuh. Jomla gemakan belas, bukan belasah. Moga kita semua sejahtera dlm dakapan kasih dan belas. Sentiasa osem, anda semua!

(Lets b direct. Because we are sick! and usually like to attract sickness (including the guy who is writing this).  Yez, the level of our mental health is critical, though many dont want to admit. There are those who like to point fingers, or only good in commenting, reviewing, exploiting, spinning and viraling such mental cases, usually based on one source and without further investigation. Mental health problems can inflict anybody regardless of what label one wears on his/her forehead - kids, young and old people, science people, art people, politicians, people who claim they are pious, leaders, educators, university students, etc. All of us need to heal each other, now, every now. Compassion heals. Mercy and forgiveness heal. Hate kills. Join us in echoing compassion, not hate. May all of us b happy in the embrace of love and compassion. Stay awesome uall!. #belasinsan #belasalam #balaiseninegara"



"Bye-bye Duma, kamu jgn nakal2. Aku dah tak larat nak jaga kamu lagi."

Ni satu lagi refleksi buat renungan anak cucu dan sesiapa yg terasa nak tahu.

Sewaktu saya ambil gambar ni, saya dapat rasa dgn kuat kasih-sayang ayahanda terhadap Duma. Duma yg lejen, pernah menjadi peneman ayahanda & bonda di Teluk Intan. Tak seperti Bonda, Arwah Ayahanda bukanlah peminat haiwan. Tapi dia tak suka lihat binatang diseksa. "Bagi kucing makan tu pun sedekah" dia pesan pada cucu. Dia tak manjakan Duma, tapi tapi dia bagi makan-minum, buang najis dan bersihkan sangkar Duma dgn tekun. Pernah Duma hilang, dia buat solat hajat sorang2. Dia tak belai2 sgt Duma, tapi kasih dia pd Duma dalam. Ramai jiran sekeliling kenal Duma, "tu kucing Ustaz Saidon."

Setelah berhijrah sebentar ke Bukit Beruntung dan semakin uzur utk menjaga Duma, saya bawa kucing tu kembali ke Pulau Pinang. Setiap kali ayahanda datang ke rumah di Pulau Pinang, Duma akan cium kaki dan duduk di celah kaki ayahanda.  Dia kenal, dia sayang orang tua ni. "Orang tua ni bagi aku makan, tekun bersihkan sangkar aku dulu."

Masih melekat dlm minda saya, kerenah Duma cium dan lepak di kaki ayahanda waktu kali terakhir ayahanda datang ke rumah di Pulau Pinang beberapa minggu sebelum masuk wad.

Agaknya Duma dah dpt hidu, ayahanda akan pergi buat selamanya.

(1 Julai 2015)

Hari ni, kedua-dua mereka sudah tiada lagi. Tiada pd jasad, tapi ada & dekat di hati.

Tuesday, 1 January 2019


The problem is not the inability to acquire a critical mindset, my dear professor. In fact, your samples include those who r supposed to practice critical thinking, including lecturers & professors.

The problem is the inability to acquire emphaty & compassion, on both personal & collective levels. U missed that point.

Thank you.


Many instant experts on the malays now casually focusing on selected & narrow samplings, yet appear to b speaking 'on behalf' the larger Malay demography.


  "Sir, whats your p.o.v of sickness & healing?" "Sickness, based on my personal experience, is rooted in the act of defy...