Sunday, 3 July 2016


"Ingatkan "Tengku" Adnan Mansor. Menteri Wilayah yang juga SU Agung UMNO ini.
Bahawa UMNO dan BN sudah labih usang dari Arca Puncak Purnama karya Sayed Ahmad Jamal ini. Kaya ini dihasilkan hasil penelitian dan telaah seni mengenai puncak Gunung Ledang. Nama khususnya PUNCAK MAHLIGAI atau PUNCAK PURNAMA kediaman Sang Puteri yang agung dalam sejarah Melayu.
Sebuah karya Seni yang murni hasil karya seorang seniman yan melihat dengan mata hati. Dianggap usang dan tidak bernilai lalu dimusnahkan oleh seorang Menteri sebuah Kerajaan yang(masih) memerintah.
Sahaya hamba tua Penghulu Adat ini seraya memberi ingat. Bahawa ini adalah "ISYARAT ALAM MENGENAI KERUNTUHAN". Tunggu saat dan ketika bila musibah dan petaka akan tiba. PRU-14 akan runtuh dan tumbang, sebuah kerajaan yang angkoh dan sombong.(akibat perbuatan pimpinan yang culas dan khianat).
Seni itu murni. Kita yang harus pertahankan kemurniannya. Supaya Allah suka kepada kita kerana kita menjaga yang cantik dan indah. Seperti Sabda Rasulullah SAW. "Allahhu Jamil, Yuhibbul Jamal"- Allah itu cantik, Allah suka pada yang cantik-cantik. Allah itu indah, Allah suka pada yang indah-indah.
Sekian. Dig. Klang, Selangor."
Fb Dr.Ibrahim Ghaffar

"I wonder if in all the frenzied responses about DBKL's destruction of Lunar Peaks sculpture, we might remember that the sculpture was made circa 1985/86, the heydey of corporate patronage for the arts in Malaysia. For all the glib (yet extremely facile) references to the mythical Gunung Ledang, the use of glass-ceramic as coating material to give it the presumably polished surface, the meaning we invest in the sculpture is really indicative of how we use the language of myth to mask a possible reading that this is really a standing beacon of capital. Did not Barthes suggest that myths (especially modern myths) naturalise world-views? And gives us a simplicity of essences rather than complexity? I wonder if it is ever possible to consider the work as embodying the logics that led to its destruction and erasure. I am actually more curious as to the conditions that have allowed this sculpture to be built in the first place. I think that's a story that needs to unpacked, and it won't be the kind of valorisation of artistic genius that we like to pronounce in two sentences. What was UMBC getting out of commissioning and gifting this sculpture to 'the people' of Malaysia? How did the arts function as a form of cultural capital in the economic modernisation of the country? In what ways did the artwork embody the idiosyncratic ambitions of nation-building during the early years of Mahathir? And how did it prefigure the transformation wrought on KL's urban landscape under a rising class of corporatist Melayu Baru and their Chinese capitalist compatriots?"
Simon Soon's fb

Delicious inter-textual dish. 

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