Sunday, 8 March 2015


BERSEMANGAT(Earth electromagnetic field, geometric of torus and pohon beringin/budi).

The obstacle climbed is the mountain; the path to pass through is the test of intellect and emotion; the enemy conquered is the ego; the prize is the Eternal Light; the achievement is freedom in union (Yang didaki itu gunung, yang dilalui itu ujian akal dan perasaan, yang ditawan itu nafsu (ego), yang dimenangi itu Cahaya Kasih Abadi, yang dicapai itu Kebebasan dlm Kesatuan.)

(Image below) : Electromagnetic field, pohon beringin/budi, veins of human heart, shape of love (two Fibonacci curves) and a captured screen of traditional shadow puppet of Kelantan.

Antara semangat (between spirits)

(Image below) : Pohon Beringin/Budi mapping the whole brain synergy - left and right convergent (Pohon Beringin/Budi memetakan sinergi otak - penyatuan berimbang antara hemisfera kanan dan kiri).

(Image below) : Carving 'services', extending 'life', becoming the shelter, directly sourced from the pulses if fine heart, opening the resonance field between beings, straight path, empowered by unconditional love, to return to a Singularity. Composite image from pohon beringin with veins of human heart. (Ukir 'budi', panjangkan 'hayat', jadi peneduh 'beringin', datang terus dari degup nadi jiwa halus, membuka medan semangat antara makhluk, jalannya lurus, dipacu kasih tanpa syarat, untuk membawa kembali pd yg Satu. imej gabungan pohon beringin/budi dgn salur darah jantung manusia).

(Image below) : The concept (inner climb), has been expressed with wisdom by traditional artists of the past, in line with their cosmology. The superimposed batik motif is by Rozana Mohamed (Sudah diungkap dgn penuh hikmah oleh para seniman terdahulu , seiring dgn kosmologinya. Motif batik janting oleh Rozana Mohamed.)

DALAM DIRI, ADA GUNUNG YG PERLU DIDAKI. (Sabina shared, "our hearts are gunungan". Within us, there is a mountain to be climbed. Yes indeed my dear. Tq for unveiling it to me.)

Gunungan in wayang kulit jawa.

Pohon Beringin in wayang kulit Kelantan.

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