Sunday, 29 March 2015


Salam kasih buat semua yang sudi hadir jadi saksi cinta antara seorang Superman dengan Superwomannya. Anggaplah ia suatu anugerah untuk mereka yang terpilih saja. 

Dipanjangkan syukur atas bantuan & sokongan semua kerabat Kebun Jiwa Halus, El Laila, Muhd Husni, Adzlan Redzuan, Mohamad Adi, Sham, Rady, Nisa, Rozana Mohamed, Delly Adeela dan our sweetheart Ainina Hasnul, Dr.Asyiek Desa serta semua kerabat New Media USM.

Sedia gelanggang
Mengadap (foto oleh Whitebalance Penang)
Nina dan bapaknya, "Setiap Sekarang'
'Demi Masa Mu' (foto oleh Muhamad Taufik Kamaruddin)
'Demi Masa Mu'
'Bengawan Solo' (Foto oleh Asyiek Mat Desa)

Adik-adik dari UBD (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) dan Cyberbetics College Penang, sudi ziarah-semula H3RO tempoh hari. Juga bosnya Haryany Mohamad atas titah perintah berhemah
Anderson Ee, dengan bayang panjang di Kebun Rupa, selepas selesai  'Ziarah-semula H3RO'

Sunday, 8 March 2015


BEYOND FORM. May take a while and bit of effort to digest, but extremely pertinent. Another manifestation of a 'shifting-return' paradigm (kebun jiwa halus' fancy term) taking place across disciplinary boundaries today and in the future.

This talk by Rupert Sheldrake was banned by Ted because he exposes and questions the dogmas of science, which are the default worldview of the mainstream science world.

Here are the 10 dogmas he has found to exist within mainstream science today.

1. Nature is mechanical or machine like
2. All matter is unconscious
3. The laws or constants of nature are fixed
4. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same
5. Nature is purposeless
6. Biological heredity is material
7. Memories are stored inside your brain
8. Your mind is inside your head
9. Psychic phenomena like telepathy is not possible
10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that works
(Source: theepochtimes)

Compare the dogmas above with the following comparisons of 3 paradigms - traditional, newtonian (classical physics that have been 'dogmatized' if not 'institutionalized' globally in our education system) and post-Einstein (quantum). Upon comparison, we can trace commonalities between traditional paradigm with post-Einstein (quantum).

Source: Amjad Mukhtar, "Islamic and Modern Architecture in the Perspective of Cosmology" in 'Seni & Kosmologi (Art & Cosmology) - Kosmologi Islam dalam Kesenian Melayu (Islamic Cosmology in Malay Arts), Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya, 1997.

It is a shift' from 'classical' paradigm to a 'quantum' paradigm, which also connotes a return to traditional cosmology, thus we refer to as a 'shifting-return' paradigm.

Few would suggest that this trans-humanist, post-body, post-info-age, inter-disciplinary, neural-innernet 'shifting-return' paradigm is taking place sporadically around the world, including in Malaysia. Yet, the 'classical' paradigm that has been dogmatized and institutionalized (also deeply-embedded within capitalistic status-quo and mindframe) is still egoistically dominant, stubborn, even reluctant to 'let go', thus more 'global crisis'. Few other would hypothesize that we r in a phase of collective unconsciousness, where previously-held habitual and collective 'unnatural' (against 'fitrah') world-view is having a hard time to dissolve (to 'wake up' = b conscious).

Bangunlah sayang, 'demi masa' mu. (Wake up my love, in the name of time). Wal'asr.



One rock kapak pakcik gardening with two comel girls at Galeri Jiwa Halus, extending the wise insights of their late grandfather in relation to today's common sense. We share the gist here: If 'I' just 'B', without 'me', without that small, lower illusive self, without ego, one can transform 'adat' (rituals, routine acts, practices) into IBadat. Similarly, the raw quantum energy of 'fikir'(thought), if tuned properly, silencing (Zipping) all those 'noises' (hijab fikir dan prasaan), can b transformed into higher and finer quantum energy of 'Zikir'. Love to all, b happy.


BEYOND THE BINARY LANGUAGE OF 1 & 0. Towards singularity or union, no beginning no ending - infinite. Read from the Malay traditional head gear.(Disebalik bahasa binari 1 & 0. Ke arah yg SATU, tiada mula tiada akhir - infinit. Dibaca pada tengkolok.)

In reference to Al-Ikhlas. 



BERSEMANGAT(Earth electromagnetic field, geometric of torus and pohon beringin/budi).

The obstacle climbed is the mountain; the path to pass through is the test of intellect and emotion; the enemy conquered is the ego; the prize is the Eternal Light; the achievement is freedom in union (Yang didaki itu gunung, yang dilalui itu ujian akal dan perasaan, yang ditawan itu nafsu (ego), yang dimenangi itu Cahaya Kasih Abadi, yang dicapai itu Kebebasan dlm Kesatuan.)

(Image below) : Electromagnetic field, pohon beringin/budi, veins of human heart, shape of love (two Fibonacci curves) and a captured screen of traditional shadow puppet of Kelantan.

Antara semangat (between spirits)

(Image below) : Pohon Beringin/Budi mapping the whole brain synergy - left and right convergent (Pohon Beringin/Budi memetakan sinergi otak - penyatuan berimbang antara hemisfera kanan dan kiri).

(Image below) : Carving 'services', extending 'life', becoming the shelter, directly sourced from the pulses if fine heart, opening the resonance field between beings, straight path, empowered by unconditional love, to return to a Singularity. Composite image from pohon beringin with veins of human heart. (Ukir 'budi', panjangkan 'hayat', jadi peneduh 'beringin', datang terus dari degup nadi jiwa halus, membuka medan semangat antara makhluk, jalannya lurus, dipacu kasih tanpa syarat, untuk membawa kembali pd yg Satu. imej gabungan pohon beringin/budi dgn salur darah jantung manusia).

(Image below) : The concept (inner climb), has been expressed with wisdom by traditional artists of the past, in line with their cosmology. The superimposed batik motif is by Rozana Mohamed (Sudah diungkap dgn penuh hikmah oleh para seniman terdahulu , seiring dgn kosmologinya. Motif batik janting oleh Rozana Mohamed.)

DALAM DIRI, ADA GUNUNG YG PERLU DIDAKI. (Sabina shared, "our hearts are gunungan". Within us, there is a mountain to be climbed. Yes indeed my dear. Tq for unveiling it to me.)

Gunungan in wayang kulit jawa.

Pohon Beringin in wayang kulit Kelantan.


CAHAYA KASIH RENTAS DIMENSI. Bila kita melihat (jadi saksi) pada makhluk dan peristiwa ( momen) yg menjelmakan kasih-sayang ikhlas tak bersyarat, cakap la serta-merta dlm hati, "itulah Cahaya Ilahi, sedang 'bersinar' (ditampilkan) utk disaksi dan dialami. 'Aku' serah & hilang dlm Cahaya Kasih Mu. Sekarang, bersinar lah pula menerusi wajah yg dipinjam ini."

Arwah ayahanda dgn Duma. 

Duma kini dlm peliharaan kami.

Dudu, anak Duma.

Cicit Duma

Hachiko, cicit Duma, berlagak Diva.

Milkey, sekor lagi cicit Duma.

Singgah Sri Iskandar, bergomol dgn kucing.

Jumpa B Boy yg mahal. 



Hantor la doa yg baik-baik wokay braders & sisters, tu le senjata paling lasyat. 'The best place to b is in someone's loving heart & prayer." B happy, luv to all. :)

Mari kita sama-sama jaga tautan dalaman, atau dlm bahasa canggihnya, 'collective neural innernet'. Kita (terutama yg menulis ni), amat memerlukan doa dari semua, terutama org org alim, yg sorang demi sorang pergi meninggalkan kita. Maaf kerana ter'blues', couldnt help it.



“If we always keep kind thoughts, we will purify our own body, and thus become beautiful and healthy. If we always keep kind thoughts, we will also purify the environment and people around us. The most direct way to purify the world is to keep kind thoughts. It would have a tremendous impact on the world if the public could see that point.”(Physicist, Dr. Chen Loujia.)

A Chinese proverb says, “Water is a mirror of the heart.”

Snowflake crystal by Alexey Kljatov.

Stanford University Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller said on his website that he and his research team “have repeatedly been able to change the acid/alkaline balance (pH) in a vessel of water either up or down, without adding chemicals to the water, merely by creating an intention to do so.”

There is a clear distinction between intention (niat) and thoughts, in comparison to 'action'. Intention and thoughts belong to a higher plane (intangible, higher frequencies), while 'action' belongs to the lower plane (tangible lower  frequencies). In Islam, the higher plane (niat and thoughts) is where the true color or vibration of any action resides. It stresess on 'ikhlas' or sincerity. A seemingly 'good' action may hide bad intention or thought, and vice-versa. Best policy is to b TRUE TO ONE SELF.

Recalling 'air jampi' arwah ayahanda Saidon (juga ayat-ayat Syifa).


We submit here several examples of meditatively beautiful hexagonal  'sculptures' (well, actually, snowflakes water crystals photographs) taken by ALEXEY KLJATOV sourced from the internet. Notwithstanding Kljatov, we give our thanks and gratitudes to the True Great Artist behind such creation.


HBEYOND FORM : A shifting-return paradigm to post-material consciousness. 

Kirlian image of the 'aura' of a plant (From "The Secret Life Of Plants", Mark D Roberts via Wikimedia Commons)

“Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world. Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with. Data which do not fit favored theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed as priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.”  - Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona.

Beautiful geometry of snowflake water cystal photo by ALEXEY KLJATOV.  

The elegant geometry of Arabesque, in the surau of Tapah R&R. Echoes similar language with the water geometry above.

Crystal shape frozen water invoked by positive thoughts, composited with a radiant shape under the dome of Ubuddiah mosque (Kebun Jiwa Halus).

"I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud. ” – Dr. Carl Jung

Geometry in traditional cosmology.

Geometry in traditional cosmology. In this case, in regards to multi-dimensionality (pelbagai tingkatan alam), or in hip language of quantum physics - multiverses.

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University.


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