Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Whenever I'm intensely seeking some kind of clarification and affirmation about a particular subject of intetest, what I seek will appear or manifest in an unexpected way, sometimes literally falling onto my lap or in some cases, my hands.

For the past one month, as I was bathing my mentals vibration with topics such as the inner-net, mindfulness, higher consciousness, meditation, higher self, quantum space and higher dimension, and a shifting-return to complimentary learning paradigm that combines both the arts and sciences, akal-naqal, I received five book gifts and bought one at super-cheap price in an unexpected place. 

Stella Chong gave me two books, one on Taoism and another on mindfulness; ex/boss and ex USM VC, Tan Sri Dato Dzulkifli Abdul Razak gave me one book on education and leadership that he wrote, and a book on the imperative of solidarity between Sunni and Shia muslims. Ch'ng Huckn Teng droped a beautiful coffee table book on CHT. While I was wandering aimlessly at the Lebuh Acheh-Armenian's pasar karat, I bought a book on string theory (ya, quantum physic book in pasar karat, Im not kidding k!)

Thank you to Stella, Tan Sri Dzul and Ch'ng for the precious gifts. Real wealth is abundance of love, joy, happiness and peace in gratitude. Most of which through genuine friendship and strong quantum connectivity with other people. 

Poor people have to 'buy' everything, including love, respect, honor and friendship.  Rich people (that is, their hearts), earn these naturally. Thats my take on being rich and poor. 

So, next time when you want something so bad, don't bitch, ditch or complain about not getting. Don't linger on pointing fingers. Don't expect you can buy everything. Instead, concentrate on internalizing the experience of feeling happy and full of gratitude as you imagine getting what you want. It will come to you without force or much resistance.

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