Wednesday, 10 December 2014


Nina, echoing her passion in "Muzik Extravaganza - USM Jazz Band Concert 2014".
"Kau tahu betapa ku sayang pada mu
hanya bidadari sebagai ganti
hanya takdir menentukan ia
oh belaian jiwa" 

"Kau senyumlah oohhh
Sekadar memori kita di arena ini


Standing in the eyes of the world


I inhale, exhale, deep, in gratitude.

As I was hearing your voice, echoing in the Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra USM, my spirit soared, while time and space warped into the eternal present. Yaa, the present is a gift. For you are truly a precious gift, bestowed upon this blessed father, to witness and experience the sublime, beyond his finite senses. 

In that eternal moment, I was transposed to the time and place where you used to be a cute little girl who sang her heart out throughout countless long journeys back to our kampungs in JB and Teluk Intan (until she fell asleep herself); who was already familiar with big microphone (in comparison to her small body) to sing out her favorite tunes, most of which in little girl language that I could not understand. 

Your voice has been the music to my ears (and nurturing vitamins for my heart) since the day you echoed your baby cry when you were born until now, and my every now. 

The voice of I-NINA, my link to the hidden dimensions of the sublime.

I utter my gratitude to those who have given I-NINA the opportunity to share her passion, special individuals like Assoc. Prof. Razif Mohd (Jeep), the orchestrator-conductor-mentor-otai-guru-yoda and the rest of his wonderful USM Jazz Band family members, too many to mention here. 

Lots of love, thank u, syukran, salam. 

Wealth and health are the abundance of compassion, love, joy and happiness. Spread them with your voice, my dear I-NINA. 

I-NINA with her rock-kapak pencen father, loving mother Rozana Mohamed, supportive sister Delly, and sharing friend/co-singer, Avinash, after the concert.

Blessed parents.
Avinash, Nina's school friend, in a soaring moment. A beautiful photo taken by ...(will check the name later, with apology)

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