Tuesday, 28 February 2017


If I ...
am judgemental
like to play victim or blame others
keep conflicts and drama alive
complain a lot
focus too much on past or future
show superiority or inferiority to others
appear complex and intellectual 
am stressed and worried about the future
feel alone in the world
need to prove my worth 
feel small and never good enough
give my authority over to others
am ruled by time
do things only for the approval of others
need constant attention and validation
am uncomfortable to be alone 
take myself too seriously...
Wake me up! I don't want to have a false sense of self or waste my life by being prisoned by ego. I want to experience a healthy happy long life. 
hope we all do.
Thank you. 

Monday, 27 February 2017


Yg suka 'memukul' dan 'mental' itu ego. Yg 'memeluk' dan 'merahimi' itu jiwa.

Sunday, 26 February 2017


Kehadapan para pendekar,

Kalau ye pun sibuk layan dan lawan org2 jahat, janganlah sampai tak sempat nak tolong orang2 yg baik. Kesian mereka. 

Sekian, terima kasih. 

Yg benar,
Orang jahat. 

Saturday, 25 February 2017


In a over-thinking world where people are more interested to react or respon to hate, WHAT IS LOVE?

Ask this angel. 


Dia pembenci. Kau benci dia, sebab dia sebarkan kebencian. Kau marah orang lain yg tak benci dia. 

Akhirnya kau pun jadi pembenci, mengajak semua orang benci-membenci. 

Mai sini aku peluk kau. 

(Nota: 'kau' itu adalah hati kita semua, manala tau kot metafora tak sampai)


Ramai yg lebih suka memberi reaksi dan layan kebencian dari menyebarkan kasih sayang dan kebijaksanaan. Seakan dah jadi majoriti. 

Jom la kurangkan yg ramai ni. 

Friday, 24 February 2017


Orang jahat yg frekuensinya tak stabil hanya boleh disembuhkan dengan frekuensi yg stabil. 

Macam mana nak berdepan dengan ketidak-stabilan jika yg nak jadi hero tu frekuensi dia sendiri pun tak stabil. Patutlah asyik kalah dan emo(royan) je selalu. Frekuensi yg tak stabil, tak boleh menyembuhkan kejahatan dan penyakit, malah hanya lebih merebakkan lagi keduanya. Jadilah, 'keadaan sekarang tidak stabil.'

Org Islam, kestabilannya ditegakkan oleh solat, zikir dan doa. Oleh itu sayang oi, stabilkan frekuensi diri sendiri dulu, dan ajak semua orang buat perkara yg sama beramai-ramai. Barulah ada gelombang transformasi yg boleh kalahkan orang jahat. 

Janganlah dimaki pulak mereka yg mengajak pulang kepada kestabilan diri. 

Penat la kalau asyik kalah je, lepas tu emo dan kecoh suruh semua org berdrama. 

Jom la ubah dan hijrah, diri sendiri dulu. 

Tuesday, 21 February 2017


from Hachiko, without having to wait for the 'arrival' of aliens.

In a long-winded linear language it says, "I am one with the beginning and the ending, the point of departure and arrival, the endless, the infinite."

Non-linear language connects us all. It is the language and grammar of harmony. 

Monday, 13 February 2017


Yg paling menyedihkan adalah orang yang menggunakan masanya utk memberi respon terhadap tindakan orang yg 'confirm' bodo dan penuh kebencian. Disebarkan pulak respon meroyan tu sampai lebih ramai kena sampuk sama-sama. Akhirnya kebodohan dan kebencian makin popular. 

Orang yang otaknya pandai macam mana pun, jika hatinya sibuk buka, layan dan sebarkan frekuensi bodo dan kebencian, bolehkah mengalami kehadiran kebijaksanaan dan kasih sayang dalam hidup? Isshhhh...ish..ish....kena byk doa ni. 

Ginilah duhai semua yg disayangi...alangkah baiknya jika masa kita diisi dengan memberi tumpuan kepada kebijaksanaan dan kasih sayang, yang boleh ditemui jika hati kita di'dail' ke frekuensi kebijaksanaan dan kasih sayang; yang selalunya ada di depan mata.  InsyaAllah kita akan dapat mengalami kehadiran 'Yg Maha Bijaksana' dan 'Yang Maha Mengasihi' dalam setiap detik,' setiap saat dan setiap sekarang'. 

Demi masa, alangkah osemnya gitu. Sekian pesanan tanpa penaja.

Saturday, 11 February 2017


Jom la bersyukur 
jika tidak memperolehi
sesuatu yg kita inginkan,
yg sebenarnya merosakkan kita. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Utk saya dilahirkan dan ada, siapa dan siapa dan siapa dan siapa.......perlu dilahirkan dan ada? 

For me to b born and exist, who, and who and who....had to b born and exist?

(Family tree by our father, Saidon B. Pandak Noh.)

ISU-ISU SE(panjang)MASA.

Beberapa bulan sebelum dia meninggal dunia.

(Few months before he passed away)


Adik2 yg dikasihi
Cari la kebaikan, bukan kepandaian je ye. Yg ni ulasan yg ditulis oleh rakan sezaman dgn adik2 juga.


Once upon a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....

"Melayu 2" (1990)

"kipASAPi" (1999)

Dapatla "hABUan" (2000)

....meanwhile in a remote planet Dagobah, the glowing spirit of Yoda says, "after all these many years u still wanna whine about the same thing, wake up la ooooiiii!!!"

Saturday, 4 February 2017


Some cowboys will say, "we don't talk, we shoot."

This cowboy-friend of mine says, "I don't shoot, I listen, peel a manggo, talk and make friends around the world."

Wish there r more cowboys like this.

Thursday, 2 February 2017


Baca, dengar, lihat satu pihak saja=kegelapan

Baca, dengar, lihat pelbagai pihak=pencerahan

Sila pilih.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


Denis Mr. Villeneuve

Since non-linear language is rather central in your movie, allow me to share my reflection on it. I will do so in relation to the idea of non-linear geometry as the 'grammar of harmony'. 

The following reflection is sourced from my current research and writing.  

In particle physics (a branch of quantum physics), symmetry takes a central position, especially if one interprets the universe as obeying a given symmetry and that the laws of physics are the same for everything in it with respect to the symmetry (Whyntie & Pugh: 2013, p141). 

The terms ‘Fundamental Spacetime Geometry’ or ‘Quantum Geometry’ in quantum physics are indicative of how geometry, harmony and order are central in our understanding of both micro and macro domains of the phenomenal world.

Harmony and order, as visualized by the geometrical and arabesque language of Islamic tradition, are also parts of a larger ‘shared insight’ known as the ‘sacred geometry’ or ‘the grammar of harmony’ that can be observed in Nature as well as many forms of traditional visualizations around the world. It is a quantum language that visualizes the “models of the universe, both its outer aspect and its inner one” (TPW, Juniper & Skelly: 2010, p118).

“This is all pretty remarkable evidence that there is a mysterious unity about the patterns found throughout the whole of creation. From the smallest of molecules to the biggest of the planetary ‘particles’ revolving around the Sun, everything depends for its stability upon an incredibly simple, very elegant geometric patterning – the grammar of harmony” (Ibid, p118).


Unity of Geometry – Root Power
by Jonathan Quintin Art
in The Resonance Project facebook site at

The unity of geometry, especially its underlying mathematical algorithm, can be traced in many spiritual traditions around the world, including in the geometrical and arabesque language of Islamic visual tradition. It cuts aross many boundaries : geographical, historical, disciplines of knowledge and many more.

In Islamic context, the geometrical language is not merely a response to the Quranic objection to representation of living creatures as popularly claimed by many writers, but more importantly is a reflection of a deeper understanding of the underlying fabric of the universe – the fundamental quantum space-time geometry. It is a ‘shared insight’ originally acquired from the Greeks by Muslims during the high ebb of Islamic Civilization (and the low ebb of the West then) between 8th. to 13th. century. (1)

Penrose’s tiling bears some resemblance to the geometrical and arabesque language
of Islamic visual tradition, including for example the geometrical patterns at the Darb-e Imam shrine in
Isfahan, Iran. Here we may find another example of how a contemporary physicist-mathematician speaks in a similar language with artisans of the past from the vast regions of Islamic visual tradition.

Geometrical patterns at the Darb-e Imam shrine
located in Isfahan, Iran. The first structures were built by Jalal al-Din Safarshah in 1453.   

Such grammar of harmony is also embodied by Fibonacci sequence, proportion, curve and spiralling vortex that can be observed in both microscopic and macroscopic domains of the phenomenal world. The sequence starts with 1, 1, 2 to 3 to 5 to 8 to 13 to 21 and so on with each number a product of adding the preceding two. Dividing any of these numbers by one that precedes it yields 1.618, also known as phi or the ‘Golden Ratio’ in the field of mathematics (1:1.618). Fibonacci sequence, proportion, curve and spiralling vortex can also be observed in the geometrical and arabesque language of Islamic visual tradition, including in the traditional Malay carvings.

Fibonacci sequence, proportion and curve

 Fibonacci in a spiralled nautilus shell

The grammar of harmony in the Malay traditional visualization

A Fibonacci curve composited on an artwork by
Hasnul J Saidon
Rhythm and Movement Series” (1987)
Oil on canvas

This Is another example of a seemingly non-geometrical painting that contains an underlying grammar of harmony (Fibonacci curve) as the basis of its composition.

Abdul Muthalib Musa,
 "Centrifugal 10 degree" (2005),
120cm x 120cm x 8cm, lasercut mild steel with clear 2K coat.
Aliya & Farouk Khan Collection.
Muthalib deploys mathematical equations converted into geometrical forms as the basis of his
creative visualization. Here, one can discern a spiralling Fibonacci curve formed by a sequence of
circular shapes.

The spiralling movements of planets along the trajectory of the sun (in the middle). Video still from www.djsadhu.com

The grammar of harmony between heaven and earth
A composite of the spiraling movement of planets with the S curve (two Fibonacci curves) tracing of a snail’s movement on a pavement, captured by the author.

Since the grammar of harmony can be observed in both micro and macro-domains of life, geometry is epistemologically trans-disciplinary. In this context, trans-disciplinarity is not the result of ideological framework (post-modernism for example), but is the very essence of knowledge and wisdom themselves.

“…geometry has been studied because it has been held to be the most exquisite, perfect, paradigmatic truth available to us outside divine revelation. Studying geometry reveals, in some way, the deepest true essence of the physical world” - Piers Bursill-Hall “Why Do We Study Geometry” (Yau & Nadis: 2010, p17).

Alexey Kljatov
Water Crystal
Originally Published on Nov 9, 2014
“To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvel of nature and life itself”
Dr. Masaru Emoto, quoted from Jain 108 Mathemagics at https://www.facebook.com/jainmathemagics/?fref=ts

Radiant pattern made by animal
An extraordinary sand sculpture with radiant geometric pattern created by a pufferfish to attract and win a mate.

Geometrical and arabesque language of Islamic visual tradition

((TPW, Juniper & Skelly: 2010, p109)

Similar grammar of harmony can be observed through cymatics, which is a study and visualization of sound wave phenomena. The word ‘cymatics’ derives from the Greek ‘kyma’ meaning ‘wave’, originally coined by Hans Jenny (1904-1972). In this study, sound is made visible through vibrated thin coat of liquid or crystal particles on the surface of a plate, diaphragm or membrane. The type of mandala-like geometrical sound patterns that emerge on the plate depends on sound frequencies. Cymatics show that forms are basically cohered frequencies of waves (qwiffs or quantum wave functions).

Ancient civilizations and spiritual traditions from various parts of the world have embedded geometry based on sound frequencies or cohered waves inspired by Nature into their visual and built environment. Other than visual, sound takes an important place in many spiritual traditions as a vehicle of higher consciousness, spiritual rejuvenation and healing. One may also relate the vibrational notion of cymatics with the act of zikr that involves verbal invocations of short phrases meant to induce ‘God consciousness’. Cymatics frequencies have an effect on humans, since humans are made of over 70% water. 

Radiant pattern in Nature

This is an example of the grammar of harmony or quantum mapping in Nature, in this case, radiant pattern of natural architecture, specifically leaf of saw palmetto plant. Nature is perceived in traditional paradigm as a mathematical expression of Divine Unity or in the language of physics, the Single Unified Field of Infinite Wisdom. Eastern forms of traditional visualizations mostly employ such patterns to return observers to fitrah (natural instinct, state and order), to be a part of the Divine Unity. (Buzan: 2001)

Tebar Layar
This is a simplified image of a 'tebar layar' or gable ends of a typical Malay house, inspired by the grammar of harmony in nature, and designed to direct wind into the house to cool the roofing space. Many have beautiful carvings and allow light into the house. The 'tumpal' structure or triangular shape relates to the Islamic cosmology, and can be taken as a form of quantum visualization. The radiant pattern can be related to 'radiant thinking'.

Visual and built environment in ancient civilizations and spiritual traditions echo or resonate in harmony with their human occupants, Nature and the Universe – across both microcosm and macrocosm. Similar to the repeated modular units, radiant and symmetry design found in Islamic visual tradition, cymatics can be taken as a form of quantum visualization that reveal the ‘building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form. Sound is behind the manifestation of form and matter’ (Drago De Silver: 2015). 

Cymatics feature shapes that mimic divine geometry. Patterns emerge via waves of energy, displaying the fluctuation of energetic field. Certain sounds frequencies (patterns) can change the brain waves and be used for healing of the body. In this regards, Dr. John Beaulieu explains:

“The fundamental principle of Energy Medicine is that an underlying energy field generates physical, emotional, and mental behaviours or symptoms. If we change the energy field, the physical, emotional, and mental behaviours will also change” (Christina Sarich: 2015).

In compliment, Dr. Robert Friedman posits:

“The deeper I looked, the more deeply I discovered this incredible and ubiquitous Code to be embedded throughout the structure and function of the body…it only followed that the more one could harmonize with this grand principle, the more efficient and effortless life could be” (Ibid. See also Zen Gardner, at ZenGardner.com and  http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_cymatics02.htm).

Geometry as the grammar of harmony and visualization of quantum states, shifts and returns an observer to her or his fitrah or true nature, dissolving the localised frequencies called ‘self’ to be in-synchrony with the non-local symphony of the whole. The folding and unfolding of space-time geometry across dimensions will always depart from and return back to a point of unity, of infinite singularity, the Divine Unity, or in Hagelin’s words, ‘the Single Unified Field of Infinite Wisdom.’

“…geometric expansions provide a metaphor for the law of all phenomena. In as much as space, seen as extension, is created by unfolding through the dimensions – from ‘point’ to ‘line’ then to ‘plane’ and beyond, it can be ‘folded up’ again, leading back to the point of unity (Critchlow: 1976 , p7 in Niranjan Rajah: 2001, p38).

Dear Mr. Villeneuve,

I hope that your movie will help us return and arrive back to 'the point of unity'. 

Kebun Jiwa Halus
7 Tingkat Permai
11700 Gelugor Penang


1.  Pepin van Roojen (2004, p11) lists several early Western researchers of geometrical design from the Islamic visual tradition. Amongst them include Thomas Daniels (1749-1840) and William Daniels (1769-1837) who published representations of Islamic and Hindu architecture of India in 1808, Pablo Lozano who published surviving Arab remains in Spain in 1780, James Cavanah Murphy (1760-1814) who published “The Arabian Antiquities of Spain” in 1813, Owen James (1809-1874) and James Goury (1800-1834) who published “Alhambra” in two volumes. 

1. Whyntie, Tom & Pugh, Oliver (2013), Introducing Particle Physics, London: Icon Books Ltd.

2. TPW, Juniper, Tony & Skelly, Ian (2010), Harmony – A New Way of Looking At Our World, New York: HarperCollins Publishers

3. Yau, S.T & Nadis (2010), The Shape of Inner Space, New York: Basic Books

4.  Drago De Silver, ‘Cymatics, Sound And Consciousnes’ in In5D May 4, 2015. 

5. Christina Sarich, ‘Why Sound Heals’, in Upliftconnect.com, Saturday October 10th

6. Niranjan Rajah, ‘The Art of Sulaiman Esa’ in Insyirah – The Art of Sulaiman Esa From 1980 to 2000, exhibition catalogue, Petronas Art Gallery, 2001.


Dear Mr. Villeneuve, 

Another reflection that I would like to share with you is on your interpretation of Dr. Banks' state of mind and emotion. Specifically, I am refering to her emotional responses towards her flashing encounters with her own future. 

Here is where things can get a bit confusing. Since we have been predominantly conditioned by a logical, rational and linear notion of time through linear language, it can be confusing to negate it through non-linearity and non-locality. Confusing perhaps due to my writing. I will try my best. So please bear with me. 

For me, knowing (or experiencing fragments of one's future), will eventually alter it. The future for me is a field of infinite quantum possibilites before we make a choice of intent, before we make a choice on what to think and feel in every waking moment. I know, some of us may take some time to swallow this. Allow me to proceed.

In other words, we create our possible future, in every conscious moment. The moment we do that (choosing an intent, choosing a thought, choosing a particular emotional state to experience), all other quantum possibilities collapse, except the possibility that we have chosen through our intention, our thought and feeling. This process takes place in every fraction of our conscious moment. Lets take a deep breath. 

Our living experience, or our state of being is based on how we choose and decide to think and feel. Put it this way, we choose how to experience reality, how to live life, how to be. We make that choice in every moment, every fraction of a second, every 'now'. 

Now here is where things get a bit more 'entangled'. 

Our choices (intention, thoughts and feelings which are of higher frequencies) are fundamentally interconnected. These higher inter-connections are referred to by physicists as quantum entanglement. They influence our personal and collective consciousness. In other words, they influence the way we experience our tangible reality, in every moment or every now of our consciousness. 

This leads to the 'nowness' of a non-linear language, as the one used by the aliens in your movie. I believe that it is also the central premise of your movie, as experienced by the main character, Dr. Banks.

So what exactly is this nowness of non-linearity?

In the name of time, there is only now. Yesterday, tommorrow, the past, the future, all can only exist in the now, in the present. When we choose to think and feel about the past or the possible future, we do it now, and every now. Such nowness has to be experienced rather than told. Once we get a grasp of such nowness, we can understand non-linearity, including its language that comes in many forms. 

Nonetheless, since our minds have been conditioned and trapped by the modern language of linearity and sequence, its hard to let go. 

So we still want to ask what the future will unfold?

The possible collective future that will unfold or manifest depends on our inter-connected collective intentions, thoughts and feelings (higher frequencies) at every single moment of 'now'. In other words, our personal and collective inner states (or quantum states) of being will influence our future. 

For example, if the dominant thinking and feeling of the majority of the global population call for war, then war will eventually manifest in the future. In contrast, if the majority call for peace, peace will unfold. 

Our inter-connected intentions, thoughts and emotions fluctuate individually and collectively in various frequencies at every moment. The question we need to ask ourselves collectively is what are our dominant inner states now and every now? 

Do we want hate, greed, fear, anger, suspicion, envy, insecurity, frustration, despair, hopelessness and ungratefulness to occupy our inner quantum states in every moment? Do we want to focus on these states of being, to entertain and invest our thoughts and feelings on them, to feed and perpetuate them by focusing on them?

Or do we want to choose love, compassion, gratitude, honesty, joy, happiness and hopefull as our dominant collective inner quantum states in every moment? 

What do we choose to occupy our every now?

In many forms of spiritual traditions, the nowness of non-linearity is achieved through repeated invocations or affirmations. For example, it is achieved through 'doa' and 'zikr' in Islamic spiritual practices. Both are taken as the most essential tool for a peaceful living and being (sejahtera). You may google them. 

Nothing is fated before it takes place in the physical reality (or in the lower/slower tangible frequencies). Even flashes of fatalistic personal future cannot be taken as the only version of future that may take place. For example, if I knew ahead that there will be a big hole on the road I was using, and have seen one possible future where my car crashed into it, I will happily choose to avoid it before it takes place. I can choose to pro-actively work on ways to avoid it. I know that there will be many possible futures that can take place, and that I am an integral part of such unfolding. 

Central to experiencing the nowness of non-linearity is to be highly aware or mindful of what one chooses to think and how one chooses to emotionally experience every moment. Unlike your main character Dr. Banks, I don't choose to be fatalistic and melancholic. 

Yet, if there is a hint of persuasion in your movie, I would say that it hints on the need for us to globally shift towards a heart-based living and being, towards a higher mind way of thinking, feeling and being. 

After-all, our hearts are inter-connected and speak in the language of non-linearity. They communicate in a quantum language or in the shared language of harmony. Our minds may like to create the illusion of separateness, but our hearts can bring us back to our shared humanity, as epitomized by your main character. As implied by your movie, we urgently need to return and arrive at our shared humanity through non-linearity. The time is NOW.

Thank you. 

Kebun Jiwa Halus
7 Tingkat Permai
11700 Gelugor, Penang,

Link to part 3


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