Friday, 29 January 2016


Dikongsi dari beberapa sumber, kalau suke, osem!. Kalau tak, tepis je wokay, tak payah nak gaduh2. Cari punca sakit lagi worait dari tunding jari pada orang lain yg sakit. Jom le cari kesembuhan dlm diri dulu. Baru boleh sembuhkan dunia, ye dak.

Ada byk, antaranya:

> Percaya bahawa cahaya dan benda adalah dua perkara yg berbeza: "cahaya lain, benda lain, tak sama la, apara ko ni" 

> Terlampau giler layan dimensi benda je (dimensi lain yg ghaib, termasuk dimensi fikir dan rasa, tak di'laras'kan walaupun dah tak belen)

> "Bab 'rasa-rasa' ni tolong ya, saya tak pakai, saya nak data dan fakta ok. Hal-hal tak boleh nampak dan tak boleh sukat ni, saya tak layan la. Tak boleh buat K.P.I. Macam mana nak sukat kemajuan dan kejayaan?"

> "Apa! tautan batin? benda2 ni bomoh je layan. Benda2 psikik ni buat rancangan misteri nusantara je."

> Percaya bahawa dimensi benda berdiri sendiri, indipenden, berbeza dengan dimensi fikiran dan perasaan. "Mana boleh fikiran dan perasaan bagi kesan pada benda, atau benda beri kesan pada fikiran dan perasaan. Mana boleh rasa kasih sayang bagi kesan pada ruang, benda dan masa! Ada ke sifat tamak, dengki, benci boleh hasilkan ruang dan benda yang penuh gelombang tamak, dengki dan benci, ngarot la ko ni!"

> "Alam ni, 1,2,3 dimensi, campor masa. Tu je. Ruang, benda dan masa, tiga2 tu berdiri sendiri, lain-lain. Mana ada dimensi2 lain yg tinggi2, halus2, jgn nak merepek la!"

> "Alam semulajadi ni, adalah modal untuk aku cari untung puas2. Orang lain, adalah sumber modal balaci utk aku kuasai, kerah dan tunggang puas2, kalau tak pun, jadikan pelanggan yang ketagih dan taat dgn produk dan jenama aku. Nak untung ke, atau nak sedekah?. Kalau nak sedekah, pastikan satu dunia tau, barula boleh naikkan nilai jenama. Baru boleh untung. Jgn jadi bodo la ko ni."

> "Aku, aku. Engko, engko. Aku independen la, tau tak!"

> "Memori aku ada dalam otak aku, aku punya. Minda aku pun dalam otak aku juga, aku punya. Ni idea aku tau, aku punya."

> "Kalau nak pandai, fokus betul2 pada penjurusan dalam satu jenis ilmu je. Toksah nak kait-kaitkan dgn ilmu2 lain, buat susah je nak buat kajian, nanti tak dapat degree. Takda degree, mcm mana nak jadi pandai?"

> "Seni lain, sains lain, mana bole campor-campor mcm ABC."

> "Kalau nak berjaya, mesti boleh memiliki, menguasai, mengawal, mendominasi orang lain."

> "Nak berzikir, pi masjid. Ni tempat kerja, bukan tempat berzikir."

> "Aku artis, ni ekspresi peribadi aku, unik, sebab tu harganya mahal. Tak sama dgn orang lain."

Masa utk menjadi bahagiawan. Masa utk menyembuh ketagihan mencari kepandaian ikut ilmu tahu bukan ilmu lalu. Ilmu tahu hanya menjadikan seorang itu 'candukiawan', seperti yg menulis ini.

Jom cari kesembuhan untuk mudah berhijrah, sepanjang masa, setiap sekarang.

Thursday, 28 January 2016


Berkebun bunyi dgn Arynn menyelaras saya dengan kejujuran ekspresi tanpa agenda dan bidaah mengada-ada.


Ikigai (生き甲斐]) is a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being". Everyone, according to the Japanese, has an ikigai. Finding it requires a deep and often lengthy search of self.


Rhetorical relationship depends on the power of discourse, not love. It is bound to fail. 


Compulsive bitching is a trait of a loser.


Excessive greed makes us all go blind and look stupid.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


One unique proposition of quantum paradigm is entanglement. Quantum wave function or in short qwiff that is separated in terms of distance can entangle and cohere with another qwiff at another location. Such notion of distant connectivity without intermediary is referred to as non-local entanglement or coherence. Non-local entanglement or coherence is explained through quantum field theory, which perhaps can also be used to explain how human minds are essentially inter-connected across space and time. Such inter-connectivity is dubbed as the ‘Universal Quantum Connection’ (Taylor: 2010, p121). Physicist Ervin Lasszlo describes such inter-connectedness as the following:

“There is a form and level of coherence in the various domains of observation and experience that involves a quasi-instant transmission of information across space and time…I present evidence that the ‘non-local coherence’ is widespread in nature, occurring in the microdomain of the quantum, as well as in the mesodomain of life…” (Ibid, p121).

In Islamic practice, such description of non-local inter-connectivity across quantum field without intermediary is closely related to the notion of hubungan batin or spiritual connection, amongst humans (Hablumminannas), and humans with God (habluminallah). Salat (prayers), doa (supplication) and other religious rituals are means to form both local (with intermediary) and non-local (without intermediary) connectivity. It can also be linked to the concept of ukhwah or social camaraderie, in which the individual is accepted as a part of the whole where both are actually entangled, connected by unconditional love, compassion and honesty. In traditional paradigm, non-local entanglement is commonly interpreted as taking place in the heart and vibrating at even higher frequencies than the mind.

Sulaiman Esa
"Doa / Supplication" (1999)
Mixed-media, 114x66cm
(Collection of Petronas Art Gallery)
Nasir Baharuddin
"Menganyam Pixels / Weaving Pixels" (2011)
Mixed-media on canvas, 183x172cm

Hasnul J Saidon
"Ripples in Fukuoka" (2013)
video projection on ceramic bowl and water, published books, laser and LED pen, white granite stones, LED light, 'rehal', plastic floor mat.

Inter-connectivity and non-local entanglement can also be traced visually in the interlocking modular patterns of geometric and arabesque language; or found in the tree-like over-lapping neural network of human brain cells, as well as the inter-connected hyper-linked data in the information network of the internet.

(c)2004  Pepin van Roojen

Purkinje cell in the cerebral cortex by Santiago Ramón.  -

"Internet map 1024" specifically January 15, 2005. by The Opte Project 
Originally from the English Wikipedia; Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Commons (, accessed on 15 January 2016)

"NetworkTopologies" by NetworkTopologies.png: 
Licensed under Public Domain via Commons – ( accessed on 15 January 2016)

To explain non-local entanglement or quantum connectivity, physicist John Hagelin suggests the existence of a ‘Single Unified Field of Intelligence’ at the basis of nature that humans can experience to generate rapid individual growth and radiate holistic influence of peace over humanity.(Ibid, p168)

“If we assume that at our core level of being we are all intimately connected in a unified field where we are all one, it becomes very easy to understand how we influence one another.” (Ibid, p84)

Monday, 18 January 2016


The language of fractal across micro and macro scales, topleft: delta, topright: kidney, bottomleft: digital tree, bottomright: a tree.

Blood veins in the human heart

Purkinje cell in the cerebral cortex by Santiago Ramón.  

"Internet map 1024" specifically January 15, 2005. by The Opte Project 
Originally from the English Wikipedia; Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Commons

Computer simulation of networks of cosmic string in the universe when it was
about 10,000 years old (Shing-tUng Yau, The Shape of the Universe)

Thursday, 14 January 2016


My brother Niranjan Rajah (koboi) came back again (from Vancouver) last December. He presented a paper and performance (this time with his father) at the Seni di Kota symposium, National Visual Art Gallery of Malaysia.  I could not come, busy cracking my head and writing. But I saw a picture of Appa breaking a coconut as a part of Niranjan's performance. Immediately I recalled my hero, my late father. 

After the symposium, Niranjan traveled up to Penang to see this old brader and pren of his. We met up at Sri Iskandar, driven by Paiman, around 2 am like that, talking until around 5 am. Paiman then drove the koboi up to Penang, where they dropped-by at my house. Talked again, with Paiman playing the bodyguard plus witness role. 

Koboi, yet again, was sent to me at a time when I mostly needed a good sparing to talk to, because I was getting crazy talking back to my mind and my laptop. Such sparing is so hard to come these days.  

Will reflect more on what we talked about later. For now, tq koboi.


Why aaaa, lu so much resist, yet lu so much persist too? Wa tak faham la?
Why don't we all start to honestly check on what/who we 'choose' to hate so much, before we start to turn into one. Please la.


  "Sir, whats your p.o.v of sickness & healing?" "Sickness, based on my personal experience, is rooted in the act of defy...